AA. we believe that we are saying the same thing, but just not getting into a lot of 'detail'...
I believe you're right, OTN.
I John 4:8 - He that does not love does not know God, for God is love.
The word “know” in this scripture is the Jewish idiom for loving intimacy between a man and a woman. So this scripture is saying that if we are not intimately familiar with God, if we don’t know who He is or trust Him, we don’t love Him. It makes sense to me that in relationships, we have to know and trust someone before we can honestly love them.
I’ve always heard that fear (or mistrust) is the opposite of love. And I used to feel so guilty when I was a new Christian because I was afraid of God’s wrath and of His severe disapproval of my shortcomings. I obeyed Him not out of love, but out of fear. But it was when I was weak and really screwing up that God came through so faithful and kind, that He blew me away. I began to see how much He loved me, how merciful He was to show me which way to walk, and most of all how faithful He is because He never forsakes me or rebukes me, ever. God proves He loves me by being faithful and I can't help but trust and love Him.