Pulchritudinous is one of my favorites just because of the definition.
My dear, your pulchritude is beyond belief!
*Date walks out and slams door*
To me there are so many troll words designed to obscure meanings that I much enjoy. Causes one to be a tad "felicitous" at times
kind of like a private joke
Of course in Christian college (I use that term loosely) I actually disagreed with professors being too verbose. It's fun in jest or if you knew someone spoke that way but I'm against using it in a belittling manner or being too "dusty" about doctrine...which is what an Eschatalogical symposium seemed to me. I got what they were talking about but for some reason using the "verbiage" they did bothered me as I just couldn't figure how the majority of students would even know what they were talking about.
I just like words
There's a cool book called "P" is for Pterodactyl that is worth a look. Would be a great 5-6th grade teaching tool or even a college required book that I would have if I ever taught pedagogy or education in general.
English is just so odd.
Also this: