When I read the passage of the Lord’s arrest i always marvel at the Lord’s in the midst of everything taking the man’s ear that Peter hacked off back on good as new.. For me the real surprise comes knowing Peter could and would act in this way with 600 heavily armed soldiers. This same Peter when confronted by what was probably an early teen girl denied our Lord. How often do we overcome the big and expected only to be ensnared by something small or unexpected.
I think also we can look at that encounter with the temple guard in the garden of Gethsemane as a parable that hearkens us back to the Old Testament as well as the New, and those verses that tell of those who have the eyes to see but do not see, the ears to hear but do not hear.
In one fell strike of Peter's sword, and why was he armed with a weapon? , Peter cleaved off a guards ear.
And before the eyes of the temple guard, Jesus picked up that ear and re-attached it good as new to the guard who was struck.
The temple guard were on orders of the elders to arrest Jesus on the charge of blasphemy. Yet, knowing full well the import of that charge, they witnessed with their eyes the miracle the one they'd come to arrest demonstrated on one of their own. He who had ears but did not hear but the orders of the temple guard to go forth and arrest the king of Heaven.
Imagine, though it is not detailed in the scriptures, how many of those guards who witnessed that miracle later came to Christ.
Even when about to be arrested Jesus demonstrated the love of the Father, and the power of God before them.
Let them then have eyes that they would see.