What is the motivation behind mans/womens choices that they make?
Since we have a choice it can vary from person to person.
The world is motivated by self exaltation, and selfishness, and arrogance stem from that, so their main motivation will be to exalt themselves, and when they do good for other people, and help them it is usually with the intention of wanting people to think they are special for doing it.
The world suffers from what I call cribitis, or the baby crib syndrome, that even though they left the baby crib they carry that attitude with them throughout their life, wah, notice me, give me attention, and they spend the rest of their lives trying to convince people they are something great, and special, so they brag and boast, are mean, cannot ever have enough money and material things, and the such.
But some will make the choice to not be that way in certain situations and abandon selfishness, and mean it which is usually in the case that some would lay down their life for a son or daughter, but it would have to be extreme for them not to be selfish, but other than laying down their lives they will be motivated by wanting people to notice them and say they are something special so they want something out of it which is attention.
America has produced the most selfish, and arrogant people ever in the history of mankind, and technology caused money and material things to flow like a raging river, and worldliness, and fleshy pleasures, and jobs of all sorts that give them a good living, and pro sports, and television, and musicians, and movies, and the such where people look up to them and think they are great and special increasing their ego big time, and the chance that anybody can make it big in America, and technology has their head swirling with self exaltation as they mankind can achieve anything for look how far we advanced, and can be like Star Trek one day zooming across the universe.
That is why the beast kingdom comes about for people get more selfish and arrogant as time goes on for that is the direction they are going, and the world will always exalt itself and will never change.
A Christian is only supposed to have choices according to the Spirit but we see it is not always the case, and the world will suffer for it, and they will say Christianity is not the answer for the world as many of them do not care like they should and doing the same things as the world, and eventually the world will abandon how the Bible has been preached for many years interpreting the Bible differently than in years past which the world will embrace.