I didn’t assume anything, you said it yourself that you “don’t trust people anymore” - see below in bold. Come to think of it, you said “people”, which means both men and women.
regarding their age.
it just seems a common and acceptable thing to lie about it. Lots of people do this and joke they are 21. So you cant take what they say at face value. My mum even lied about her age shes got two birthdates...but this was done for immigration purposes, by her parents. I get confused about when her real birthday is.
So it pays to actually check....people just dont always tell the truth. Only Jesus tells the truth Ive found. even church people fudge and make up stuff when it comes to how old they are, as if they are ashamed of it. I dont know why, but they do. so I would rather give them the benefit of the doubt, but you know, you can always look up their records.
when people tried to borrow R stuff from the library, they would often lie. I found even their parents lied and said it was OK when they know it isnt, so even parents cant be trusted.
people would lie about their age to get into clubs and bars too. Just seems like a common thing to do.