Is it okay to request prayer for a day or date in other words the month,day & year? Sometimes I request prayer for something,but don't know what to put in the area for the topic subject or what I want to put in that area is too long,other than the the month,day or date & year. Okay,on with the what I request pray for. I need prayer for the following:I feel that Satan is assigning things for me to do & I want this ended. He has repeatedly done this several times,you know like do this & that in other words. I want Jesus & God to assign things for me to do to me ,not him. I also need Jesus to help me with this persistent lung & throat problems I mentioned to you. I need him to help me with both spiritual & non-spiritual issues that are causing these problems with my throat & lungs such as resentment for example. Thank you,amen. Also, one or more additional things-Anyone know why my prayers are not being heard by Jesus & God? Is Satan cutting off my prayers to Jesus & God &/or something else? Whatever you your answer, I need the means for Jesus & God to hear my prayers reopened & dealt with.Thank you,amen.
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