no idea why someone would find it needs to be taken off the internet
did he object to the belly dancer?
Honestly, he's a real 'fire and brimstone' kind of man when it comes to the Bible, and he feels that this video does not show enough suffering and turmoil when it comes to the idea of living in 'vanity and vexation of spirit'. We are old friends, and often have these discussions because of our differing viewpoints.
After discussing the video, we ended up having a debate today about the entire book of Ecclesiastes. Whereas I find the message more liberating and encourages emancipation from the burdens of this material world, he is more bent on its cautionary themes, and seeks to linger on the darker, more pessimistic meaning of the verses.
I'd love to hear your personal stances on Ecclesiastes.
Do you think that the video accurately reflects the Scripture?
And yes, the belly dancer was a major point of contempt