Actually I'm not looking at sin as overt actions, I'm looking at sin as something without substance yet with real power. I'm looking at sin as something that infects, corrupts, and destroys. Not simply an abstract breaking of a law, not simply as disobedience, but as a power unto itself. The opposite of God's creative force, introduced into the world through Adam's disobedience. My righteousness doesn't come by the law. I know I am righteous because God has declared me righteous. He has revealed to me His grace that I may walk in it. The unrighteous creature that hated God died the day that the I accepted the gospel and I became a new creation.
you still do not understand sin.
Sin is ANYTHING done in the flesh. Any time you place your needs above the needs of others, or do anything for self. two people can do the exact same thing, one can be doing it in sin, the other can be doing it in love, hence as fruit of the spirit.
Your trying to take some religious interpretation of what sin is, and not seeing it for what it really is
Sin comes from the greek word Hamarte, which means to "fall short" in fact, romans 3: 23 says that all have sinned (literally fallen short) and fall short (greek hysterountai - litterally been left behind, or come up short) of Gods glory
Sin is not a force. the force which empowers sin is the flesh. It is the hole left in our souls after we were separated from God. God created us to fill that hole with his love, when Adam broke that relationship between God and mankind and alienated us from God (in adam ALL DIE) we were left to fill that hole ourselves. That is the power of sin, We use everythign we can in an attempt to fill that hole. Sex, Drugs, Food, False Gods, Power, Money, you name it, mankind has tried it. It is the power of the flesh.
This should lead us to Christ, as we realize something is missing, but we are to proud, we have to continue to try to fill that gap. If this does not work, we try that, if that does not work, we try something else. Until we see people who appear to have everything anyone would lever want (power. sex, money, fame, etc etc) commit suicide, because they realize, that is not enough, I still have that hole in my heart. Nothing works. why bother.
the power of the flesh can only be broken by the Love of God being poured into our hearts. Which can only be done through the cross. And he fills that hole and continues to fill it with overflowing. with total forgiveness as found on the redemptive sacrifice as the "lamb of God who took on the sin of the world. he who knew no sin, became sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness OF CHRIST in him.
Its not your righteousness, Your righteousness is as filthy bloody rags, Its Gods righteousness