I have no interest in most sports. No interest in watching just about any sport. I used to play soccer though, and that was fun. I've always enjoyed running somewhat. Then I got into cross country, and I had fun, so I did it again, and then I enjoyed being around the people on my team so much I did track and enjoyed that too.
If you have some interest in taking pictures, I'd recommend using your phone's manual mode if it has one, and playing around with it. That's how I got started. I got a new phone and loved how the pictures were coming out, so I started playing around with angles and light. Then I got my first camera and learned it pretty well, then I recently got a much better camera.
If you're into smartphone photography I'd also recommend getting an app called Snapseed to edit your photos. Again, that's how I got started and to this day it's my favorite mobile photo editor.
If not, that's fine too. But I think most people should try photography, because there are so many facets of it a lot of people would find something they like in it.