I was married almost 28 years, and here is what I learned: Financially, you both need to work, and be involved in the finances. If he has no job or only a part time job, then before you even consider marriage, he needs to do better. You don't need to be supported by a man, but you surely don't need to be supporting a man either. One income, nor does 1-1/2 income support a family. Now-a-days it takes two incomes to support a family, if you want any type of savings for retirement or extras. You can survive on a single income or 1-1/2 income (full time and part time job), but that's all you will do, survive, if and when you have children; there will be no vacations, no savings, no eating out hardly, no extras at all without a LOT of sacrifice to get there....unless one of you earns a LOT of money. If you don't care how the money is spent, then by all means, let him handle all the finances, but you can't complain when things are messed up, or God forbid something happens to him, and then you learn there is no insurance or savings from which to bury him or to live after (again from experience). If he doesn't have a car, I hope you live in a big city, and he doesn't mind riding the bus, bike or walking, because taxis and uber get expensive, and you don't want to be chauffeuring him everywhere. It's a hassle, just sayin. And if he doesn't even have a driver's license, I'd want to know why.
Love covers a multitude of things, but real life enters, when the wolves come knocking at the door.
Love covers a multitude of things, but real life enters, when the wolves come knocking at the door.