Does anyone know any books on how to adjust into society after a prolonged time in prison?
Or any expertise?
Hi Absolutely,
As The Indian Girl said, I would suggest looking up as many resources as possible (personally, I would start online, because this would give you the most up-to-date information, as well as phone numbers to start with.)
I am by no means any kind of expert in any way, but I went through a stretch of writing inmates for about 8 years, and made visits to 5 maximum security prisons in 3 states. I am still in touch with one former inmate from that time, and we've been friends for nearly 20 years.
For the sake of his privacy, I will just say that he had a very long incarceration, but today is doing better than anyone could have ever dreamed of. However, he always had a different mindset, even from the time I met him. The whole time I knew him, he took advantage of everything they offered behind bars that would help him adjust. He took any job he could get, went through as many programs as they offered, and was always taking some kind of educational classes.
When he got out, the first thing he did was to start researching community resources. He went and spoke to people at these places, and was eventually able to find a program that helped him finish a degree in the area that he had started with in prison. He was able to finish school on a grant (no loans, no debts,) and today works both a regular job and has his own business. But he started working on his future from the very beginning, even when he had only been in prison a few years.
If the person you're speaking of is still serving time, I would suggest that they if they haven't already, to try to look into anything the prison offers that will help them build a skill base. My friend also found correspondence classes to be very helpful, though of course, they do have a cost (which is why he always had a job, often working 40 hours a week for $20, which was the prison's top rate for inmate jobs at the time.)
Even if all that person can do is attend chaplain services, at least it will give them some exposure to people on the outside. The inmates I spoke to said that having some kind of positive interaction with the outside world is crucial. Hopefully, the person you're speaking about has friends or family who are willing to write to them or even visit.
I am just starting to look into this organization, but I'm sure they would have some helpful advice if you contacted them:
If the person is still in and wants to start doing research, I can definitely understand why books would be ideal. I don't know of any off hand but I'm sure some internet research will turn up a few good sources of what you are seeking, as well as suggestions on how to get it to the person if they are still inside.
I know prisons can have some insane rules about what you can send one. I once photocopied a booklet page by page (and could only send something like 5 pages at a time) because the prison would not allow me to send the actual booklet to the inmate.
Best wishes to you and/or the person you are concerned about.
God bless you for caring about this person, and please keep us posted!