I just want to make a quick statement:
In all honesty, with the exception of Calvin (because I've personally met and debated many Calvinists over the years and almost every church near where I live is Calvinist), I honestly know almost nothing (I know a little about Tyndale, Hus, John Wesley, Luther) or absolutely nothing about "the Reformers".
At the same time however, by the grace of God, I know plenty about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible because that's where my emphasis has primarily been since I first got saved.
I said "primarily" because I did, for a very brief period of time, start examining the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses (in order to refute them), and God reproved the pants off of me for doing so. Basically, he told me what Paul told the saints at Rome:
"For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil. " (Rom. 16:19)
How many people today can honestly say that they are "wise unto that which is good, AND simple (as in a simpleton) concerning evil"?
In other words, God told me that by studying the false teachings of men, even though I was only doing so in order to later refute the same, I was literally "fellowshipping with devils" (I Cor. 10:20) in that the teachings that I was studying were demonically-inspired.
The same principle applies with "the Reformers", "the early church fathers", etc., etc. in the sense that their teachings should never be the basis for any of our beliefs unless they totally align with the rightly-divided word of God.
Perhaps this illustration will help you to better understand what I'm attempting to say here.
Many years ago (I'm pretty old), I had a job as a bank teller. Back in those days, they didn't have the pens or machines which are commonly used nowadays to detect counterfeit money. Instead, the way that we were trained as tellers to spot a counterfeit bill WAS BY CONSISTENTLY HANDLING GENUINE MONEY. In other words, we were so familiar with the feel, the look, the smell, etc, of the true that we could easily spot a counterfeit.
THIS is how it's supposed to be with God. We're supposed to be so familiar with his word that when anybody speaks anything contrary to it we will immediately recognize it as being false.
From my own observations as someone who has been a Christian for more than 32 years, the vast, vast majority of "Christians" I've met haven't even read the entire Bible once, and, yet, they're well versed in the teachings of their pastor, their favorite Bible teacher, their favorite evangelist, the writings of the Reformers, the writings of the early church fathers, etc., etc., etc.
This is the total opposite of how things should be.
Anyhow, just my two cents worth...