That's a lot to take in. I have been 'cramming' so to speak, trying to discern the times. I do see that everything is 'as in the days of Noah.'
I'm uncertain as to the 2028 date - is that the date that theologians have determined the approximate return of Christ?
I'm uncertain as to the 2028 date - is that the date that theologians have determined the approximate return of Christ?
I read that many doctors believe there will be mass deaths this winter among the vaccinated. That would seem to fit with the angel being released to kill 1/3 of the worlds inhabitants. However I don't know as I'm still trying to wade through the end times.
It was interesting to note that the White House spokeswoman used a unique term for the vaccinated: "Those who have been marked."
You mentioned the 'stolen election.' You should do an in-depth search on Trump - he's elite. No one gets into the powerful positions unless chosen - voting is an illusion. Even Franklin Roosevelt said: "Presidents aren't elected they're selected." It's likely been that way for a long time. I think that only some local elections may be legitimate. I worked for a woman in politics one time and she told me how dirty it was. She was set to fill some position and they removed her and put their own person in. She told me it shocked her; that she didn't know how bad it was.
Leaving behind US servicemen was criminal. They rescued Afghans - who are now wreaking havoc. They've raped already. I'm wondering when Americans are going to revolt.
I was glad to read the Kyle Rittenhouse prosecution was falling apart. It's shocking that anyone would prosecute an individual for defending themselves.
I was glad to read the Kyle Rittenhouse prosecution was falling apart. It's shocking that anyone would prosecute an individual for defending themselves.
I was also encouraged to read that two cops who tased a man 56 times until dead were charged with murder. PLEASE speak up about this and other police abuse. Believe me - it isn't the criminals who are abused - those abused are simply those who encounter a cop who had a bad day or who is a psychopath. It's gotten so bad that people fear the cops more than the criminals.
I'm sensitive and can barely stand to read what's going on and I pray constantly. In Scripture we read that cries go before the Lord so I hope they're before Him now.
So you believe there will be 7 years of famine?
I'm sensitive and can barely stand to read what's going on and I pray constantly. In Scripture we read that cries go before the Lord so I hope they're before Him now.
So you believe there will be 7 years of famine?
I know we're told to 'come out of her' - what do you see that as meaning?
Come out of her is very clear -- if the church you meet with is compromised with the apostasy come out of her, find a new fellowship (generally terms like non denominational, evangelical, and fundamental would indicate groups that are not part of the apostasy). Likewise if they are mandating a vaccine or else you lose your job it is simply God telling you to come out of her.
I worked for NYC public schools, we were the first in the US to be mandated and I came out. Why would NYC be targeted first by the Lord -- we have been teaching "Social emotional learning" for years. Many of us have been very disturbed by this because it always seemed that what they were saying (though they wouldn't say it clearly) is that you need to give kids various excuses for failing and compensate them with passing grades. NYC also required all teachers to go through an implicit bias training which is CRT 101. I think the Critical Race Theory was fully ingrained in the NYC schools.
In my own experience (I went to an elite University and am in my 60s) I have been stunned at how poorly educated the teachers in the NYC public school are. It is worse than just lacking certain basic skills you would expect from a college degree, there are examples I could give that are simply stunning. For example, I understand that just because you have a college degree doesn't mean you are all that strong in math, that is reasonable, but I have gone to professional developments on statistical analysis of our data where the person leading the training didn't know the first thing about statistical analysis and that is not rare, rather it is the rule. In NYC every teacher, every principal is required to use data to improve their results and they are completely clueless about how to do that.
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