First off, these are just my thoughts, and really you DO NOT have to reply (though I wouldn't be surprised if you do

-and if you do, don't get offended or be surprised if I don't reply)
You "talk" so much that personally, from my point of view I have no idea (without spending time going back to reread/reskim through everything) who you are talking about letting answer you

Personally, I am tired of seeing every wanna be youtube star use the same clips over and over.
The toddlers would be cute and funny if shown in a different situation, although pretty fitting for the forums here, as that's what some users here sound like

I strongly question why you, who professes to being an ex-satanist, would choose a video clip that (@ around 2:50 into the clip) refers to "
satanist sacrificing babies, and melting those babies into candles, their skin" followed by the youtuber leaning over a candle........
I mean that Copeland/Browne clip is ALL OVER youtube. You couldn't pick a different clip!?????!!!
(Yeah I already know:
blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah, blah blah, toddler gibberish proves the point I wanted to make about Copeland/Browne blah blah blah)