Nah.......the Higgs boson is bogus. Does not exist. Same goes for "photons" and "electrons".
Find out how they discovered this thing.......quite absurd really. They theorized a range of electron volts where a particle should exist (125-127 Gev/c2) and presto they found one. electron is a unit of charge. It is used for calculation purposes in equations. J.J. Thomson (who "discovered" them) stated clearly they did not exist.
BTW.....there are no electron particles traveling through wires ROFL Conducting wires are reflector waveguides nothing more nothing less. The aether field perturbation travels on the
outside of the wires. To understand legit electrical theory read Charles Proteus Steinmetz. When he talked about "stirring up the
aether" he knew exactly what he was talking about.
And astronomers to not open purge valves to drain the photons from their telescopes. The whole concept of particles is truly absurd.
Gravity is nothing more than non-point source dielectric acceleration. It is precisely the same thing as magnetism. The entire physical universe is predicated upon magnetism. Magnetism is the one and only force. Everything else is a derivative. They're looking for unified force and that is it. It is not mediated by particles it has nothing to do with particles there are no particles.
Standard model physics is a disaster at this point. Probably by design. I don't think God is allowing fallen depraved humans to understand the real nature of the creation.
You might want to study something known as "counterspace". Be prepared for a "shock".
Practically all standard model theory is absurdly incorrect. For example......all stars, solar systems and galaxies are rapidly formed by Z-pinch plasma phenomenon. Gravity and dust theores are preposterous. All stars are electric phenomenon not nuclear furnaces. Observational evidence is overwhelmingly conclusive on this matter.
Sorry for the rambling.......its a big topic.