...For many who have come to see and rejoice in what Paul called “the
preaching of Jesus Christ According To The Revelation Of The Mystery,”
that Revelation is so vast and touches upon so many subjects that they
are often at a loss as to where to begin to share it with those who need
to know.
Paul’s Distinctive preaching of The Gospel Of Grace is an excellent
place to start, for it shows that The Revelation is not a side issue but
a fundamental one...
...When we come to the New Testament, many details surrounding the teaching
and preaching of Christ show Major Distinctions between what the Bible calls
the Gospel of the Kingdom and The Gospel Of The Grace of God. The following
points show these Distinctions.
1. The Distinctive terminology alone would strongly imply a difference between
these Two Gospels...
The Gospel of the Kingdom is simply God’s good news about His kingdom,
a kingdom that was (and is) to be established on earth with Christ as king
(Jer. 23:5-6; Isa. 2:2-4; 11:1-9). It was prophesied by Israel’s prophets in
the Old Testament and proclaimed “at hand” in the New Testament.
The Gospel of the Grace of God is God’s Good News About His Grace Reigning
like a king on the throne (Rom. 5:20-21). It was a new Revelation that came to
Paul, the apostle, directly from The Resurrected Christ In Heaven
(Gal. 1:11-12; 2:2; Acts 20:24).
Both of these gospels deal with salvation from sin, but each address a
different people, at different times, and under different circumstances...
...7. Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, Christ spoke of giving His life “a
ransom for many” and His blood “shed for many” (Matt. 20:28; 26:28). This
would refer to His people Israel, for the angel of The LORD had commanded
Joseph that “thou shalt call His Name JESUS: for He Shall Save His people
from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). Israel was Jesus’ people, for He Himself was
a Jew.
Preaching The Gospel Of The Grace of God, Paul spoke of Christ, “Who Gave
Himself A Ransom for all, to be testified in due time” (1 Tim. 2:6). This Gospel
included both Jews and Gentiles. The due time for its proclamation was after
Israel rejected the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom under John, Jesus,
and the twelve. Paul was converted and commissioned to preach The Gospel
Of Grace to the whole world (Acts 26:16-20)...
(K Lawson)
FULL study Of All 12 Distinctive Points: Is There More Than one Gospel?
GRACE And Peace...
preaching of Jesus Christ According To The Revelation Of The Mystery,”
that Revelation is so vast and touches upon so many subjects that they
are often at a loss as to where to begin to share it with those who need
to know.
Paul’s Distinctive preaching of The Gospel Of Grace is an excellent
place to start, for it shows that The Revelation is not a side issue but
a fundamental one...
...When we come to the New Testament, many details surrounding the teaching
and preaching of Christ show Major Distinctions between what the Bible calls
the Gospel of the Kingdom and The Gospel Of The Grace of God. The following
points show these Distinctions.
1. The Distinctive terminology alone would strongly imply a difference between
these Two Gospels...
The Gospel of the Kingdom is simply God’s good news about His kingdom,
a kingdom that was (and is) to be established on earth with Christ as king
(Jer. 23:5-6; Isa. 2:2-4; 11:1-9). It was prophesied by Israel’s prophets in
the Old Testament and proclaimed “at hand” in the New Testament.
The Gospel of the Grace of God is God’s Good News About His Grace Reigning
like a king on the throne (Rom. 5:20-21). It was a new Revelation that came to
Paul, the apostle, directly from The Resurrected Christ In Heaven
(Gal. 1:11-12; 2:2; Acts 20:24).
Both of these gospels deal with salvation from sin, but each address a
different people, at different times, and under different circumstances...
...7. Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, Christ spoke of giving His life “a
ransom for many” and His blood “shed for many” (Matt. 20:28; 26:28). This
would refer to His people Israel, for the angel of The LORD had commanded
Joseph that “thou shalt call His Name JESUS: for He Shall Save His people
from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). Israel was Jesus’ people, for He Himself was
a Jew.
Preaching The Gospel Of The Grace of God, Paul spoke of Christ, “Who Gave
Himself A Ransom for all, to be testified in due time” (1 Tim. 2:6). This Gospel
included both Jews and Gentiles. The due time for its proclamation was after
Israel rejected the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom under John, Jesus,
and the twelve. Paul was converted and commissioned to preach The Gospel
Of Grace to the whole world (Acts 26:16-20)...
(K Lawson)
FULL study Of All 12 Distinctive Points: Is There More Than one Gospel?

GRACE And Peace...
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