Humans don't need any help finding things to worship. We've been doing it just fine on our own for millennia.
Even our current worship of our own intellect and acomplishment is nothing new. Nebuchadnezzar beat us to it by a few thousand years.
Their society was far from stupid. They did much more than we have done with much less than we have, pagan gods notwithstanding.
I said,
Of course
the Egyptian gods were demons.
They don't probably look like the idols, but the
Egyptians rejected the true God and
that's what they summoned and based their stupid society on. ....demons.
The Carnegie Museum has a valuable collection of ancient Egyptian archeological history. I find it interesting.
Context wasn't the technology. It was the rejection of our true God for their fake gods. In my opinion, any pagan culture is stupid even if they have individuals with a high IQ.
I've seen Americans reject God for a fascination in the wicked religion of Egypt and their stupid book of the dead. I'm pretty opinionated about it because I've seen parents encourage their children to pursue unhealthy interests in Egyptian religion. One I'm aware of led to a teenager summoning those gods.
Egypt conquered the neighboring nations at one time and had developed civilization. Our people served them as slaves for over 400 years. During Joseph's reign they were the agricultural hub and wealthiest nation. However, the Bible uses them as a byword now, an insult like Sodom.
"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God."
Psalm 9:17
That's what I meant by my comment.