Very interesting philosophical discussion.
So, what is Truth?
If we take one path and say that everything is subjective (and this is also supported by some physicists) then we can’t ever agree on anything including Jesus being here right?
However if we choose another path in God and the objective truth then we know that Jesus was here, told us how to live our lives and that he will be back.
So, all this AI stuff is just white noise in the grand scheme of thing and should not shake your beliefs, your concerns or whatever problems you have an issue with in regards to this topic.
Do you still get a newspaper delivered every morning?
How about books, to you get them in paper or on the internet?
If all the books, magazines and newspapers are delivered digitally whoever controls the database controls the world's view of the truth. In Animal Farm the pigs changed what was written on the barn, AntiChrist will do the same with books. AI will simply edit them automatically.
Yes, you will have some Christians who know the truth from the Bible. But how many is that? My estimate is this:
1/2 of all those who call themselves are Christians are actually nominal Christians and don't know the word at all.
3/4th of those who are true Christians do not have a regular time with the Lord in the word and know it only superficially.
Of the 1/4th of true Christians that do know the word of God, two thirds of them will be raptured at the start of the 70th week and will not be here to help the rest. That means you will have about 1% of the world's population will be able to assist others in knowing the word.
But it gets worse. Bibles will be illegal. So you need to have the word memorized. I expect that during the first six months of the 70th week (last 7 years of this age) Christians will be ripping up Bibles into small portions and distributing them to be memorized.