Howdy to all y'all newcomers from another forum.
So... The rapture forum vanished suddenly... Without notice... And y'all are left behind?
Sorry. Couldn't pass it up.
So... Welcome to the forum.
The Singles Forum, despite the name, has over the years evolved into the default chill forum where people married and single can hang out and chat about all kinds of things. You'll see a lot of single-related threads, but also a lot of other topics that have nothing to do with singles specifically. Stop by and chat sometime.
The Miscellaneous Forum, by its very nature and definition, has become the other default chill forum.
The Bible Discussion Forum has become a place where people yell at each other a lot and do research on innovative ways to call each other "not a REAL Christian." It is recommended to avoid it unless you have a very thick skin.
The only other thing you need to know here is... Never, ever, EVER start a conversation about music when the Lynx is nearby. Lynx will talk you half to death about anything music related, and then talk you half to death again, so... three quarters to death? Anyway, avoid music topics around Lynx. Trust me.