I deal with a stressful person everyday at my house and I really hope you guys can share some funny stuff please? Thanks
3 guys go in for a job interview. The man that was hiring said....I’m gunna make this simple. I’m only gunna ask one question to make my decision.
So he asks the first guy....what’s the fastest thing you can think of.
The guy thinks and says....a thought!
The boss says, good answer!
The boss asks the next guy the same.
The second guy scratched his head and said light! You hit the light switch and bam, you got light!
Boss says man, those are both great answers.
So the boss asks the third guy the same question.
Third guys hesitated and rushed with his answer...diarrhea
Boss says, what...I don’t understand?
The third guy answers and says yeah, diarrhea!
Before you can ever think about turning that light on...it’s too late!