Just in case you think the propaganda is one sided.
There is always propaganda, especially in war, and especially today when everything you do online is tracked and sold. to advertisers, you see more and more. propaganda that corroborates whatever you already want to believe.
my point was that the IDF has a very difficult job to do and the killing of civilians is something that Hamas has designed into their warfare strategy.
Gaza is very poor. they cannot buy billion dollar missile systems and fleets of tanks. so what they have to do is use the people of Gaza and the reactions of the media, and the emotional effect it has.
and they do that.
it is in fact very wise, in a worldly way - and it works. it is also. incredibly evil.
i'm not being an apologist i am pointing out that this whole humanitarian crisis is manufactured and purposeful, and it is weaponized.
i am pointing out that the IDF has to deal with a weaponized, manufactured humanitarian crisis in order to defend themselves, so do you have a better idea for them how to go about doing that than what they are currently doing?