Jesus drank wine before that day or time for that Passover meal as Jewish tradition and law.
Jesus never touched alcohol.
Jesus is God and God is all about complete purity.
Common sense tells us that if a substance leads to losing control of oneself, it is perfectly reasonable and logical not to ingest it; none of it.
Why would Jesus act so foolishly?
Sip little tiny bits of this substance, only once every hour or two, BUT DOOOOOON'T DRINK TOO MUCH NOW!!!
Walk as close as you possibly can to the edge of this high cliff right here, BUT DOOOOON'T FALL OFF NOW!!!!
That's confusing and completely illogical.
Jesus is not the author of confusion and He would never, EVER point anybody in the direction of complete and utter destruction.
That is the devil's department!
Alcohol completely DESTROYS people, lives, families, relationships, communities, etc.
Those who believe they can dabble in something so poisonous and toxic to the human body, mind AND SOUL are 100% deceived by it.