This is a difficult subject to explain. If you have questions, ask.
Daniel wrote the following when he was in his nineties and while serving in Persian under King Darius. In the last chapter of his book, he wrote, Daniel 12:11, “From the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.”
The comma between “taken away,” and “the abomination that makes desolate” tells us one event will immediately follow the other.
Nebuchadnezzar caused the daily sacrifice to cease when he took the sacred vessels of the temple to Babylon in 598 B.C., see 2 Chronicles 36. Now, if we were speaking of days after the daily sacrifice ceased, what significant event followed 1290 days after 598? I could not find anything, so let’s set that idea aside.
The context of Daniel’s prophesy points to an extended period, like 1290 years. If you examine Chapter 12 closely, the context speaks clearly of years, not 24-hour days. I will post another Tread concerning the Hebrew word “Day, Days,” we can discuss that later.
Daniel speaks of a time of trouble in verse 1, such as “never was or will be.” Matthew 24:21-22 gives the same warning. Their statements would eliminate the wars the family of Antiochus, the Romans, Catholics, the Ottomans, and Muslims waged against Israel. They all pale against the backdrop of World War Two and Hitler’s atrocities. Therefore, Matthew 24 could not have been fulfilled as destructive as it was in A.D. 70, as some claim; it doesn’t agree with Scripture.
In verse 4, Daniel said knowledge would increase. In 1945, the rate of knowledge doubled to twenty-five years. Today, with computer technology, it’s every twelve hours. There has been an exponential increase in medicine, communications, computer science, exploration of the universe, and, sad to say, weapons of war.
Daniel was told he would die, verse 9, and that many would be purified. Considering these things, Daniel’s prophesy looks way out into the future, not days, weeks, or months, but years and centuries.
Let’s talk about the Dome of the Rock, also called the Qubbat al-Sakhrah shrine. David purchased a piece of land at the top of Mt. Moriah for the “House of the Lord” around 973 B.C. The rock the Al-Sakhrah shrine sits over is the natural crown of Mt. Moriah. This foundation stone is sixty feet across and rises six feet above the floor. Thus, the temple is called the Dome of the Rock, or Dome over the Rock.
There is where the Holy of Holies once stood; it’s the holiest place for the Jews. It’s said to be where God created Adam and the site Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son, Isaac. It’s the place where Jesus Christ will establish his throne. It is also the third holiest place for Muslims and the only righteous place for Jews. Today, only Muslims and Palestinians are granted access to the mosque.
So, here’s our timeline: B.C. 598, the daily sacrifice ends precisely 1290 years later, and the Dome of the Rock is finished in 692 A.D., matching Daniel’s prophesy.
Now, let’s talk about Matthew’s “abomination. We must compare Matthew 24:15, and Mark 13:14, with Daniel’s prophesy. “When you (the Jews), therefore, shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place,” Mark 13:14 reads, “Standing where it ought not,” the people are told to RUN, leave as fast as you can to the mountains. Daniel tells us another 1335 years will pass before Matthew's prophesy is fulfilled.
From 692 A.D. plus 1335 years, we arrive in 2027 A.D. The month will be October, around the 10th to 18th, during the celebration of Yom Kippur on October 10, 2027, and ends 10-18-27. The time also agrees with Jesus’ baptism on October 27 A.D., exactly 2000 years later.
Concerning these two verses, the Greek word for stand, found in Matthew and Mark, is opposed to falling. It’s a Past Particle expressing a completed action, and absolute. In other verses, the same words ‘stood or standing) are found in the following.
Matthew 12:46, “his brother stood without.”
Luke 9:27, “There are some standing here,”
Luke 17:12, “which stood afar off:’
Two abominations, two separate events, 1335 years apart. The Dome of the Rock is where the antichrist will establish his throne; and an image of himself will stand in the court outside his temple.
He will claim to be God, he’s a liar. And he will claim to be standing in the temple of God, he’s a liar. If the above is correct, the 3 1/2 years of Great Tribulation will begin the two witnesses are taken up, and when his high priest heals his deadly wound, then receives his mark, 666.
Daniel wrote the following when he was in his nineties and while serving in Persian under King Darius. In the last chapter of his book, he wrote, Daniel 12:11, “From the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.”
The comma between “taken away,” and “the abomination that makes desolate” tells us one event will immediately follow the other.
Nebuchadnezzar caused the daily sacrifice to cease when he took the sacred vessels of the temple to Babylon in 598 B.C., see 2 Chronicles 36. Now, if we were speaking of days after the daily sacrifice ceased, what significant event followed 1290 days after 598? I could not find anything, so let’s set that idea aside.
The context of Daniel’s prophesy points to an extended period, like 1290 years. If you examine Chapter 12 closely, the context speaks clearly of years, not 24-hour days. I will post another Tread concerning the Hebrew word “Day, Days,” we can discuss that later.
Daniel speaks of a time of trouble in verse 1, such as “never was or will be.” Matthew 24:21-22 gives the same warning. Their statements would eliminate the wars the family of Antiochus, the Romans, Catholics, the Ottomans, and Muslims waged against Israel. They all pale against the backdrop of World War Two and Hitler’s atrocities. Therefore, Matthew 24 could not have been fulfilled as destructive as it was in A.D. 70, as some claim; it doesn’t agree with Scripture.
In verse 4, Daniel said knowledge would increase. In 1945, the rate of knowledge doubled to twenty-five years. Today, with computer technology, it’s every twelve hours. There has been an exponential increase in medicine, communications, computer science, exploration of the universe, and, sad to say, weapons of war.
Daniel was told he would die, verse 9, and that many would be purified. Considering these things, Daniel’s prophesy looks way out into the future, not days, weeks, or months, but years and centuries.
Let’s talk about the Dome of the Rock, also called the Qubbat al-Sakhrah shrine. David purchased a piece of land at the top of Mt. Moriah for the “House of the Lord” around 973 B.C. The rock the Al-Sakhrah shrine sits over is the natural crown of Mt. Moriah. This foundation stone is sixty feet across and rises six feet above the floor. Thus, the temple is called the Dome of the Rock, or Dome over the Rock.
There is where the Holy of Holies once stood; it’s the holiest place for the Jews. It’s said to be where God created Adam and the site Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son, Isaac. It’s the place where Jesus Christ will establish his throne. It is also the third holiest place for Muslims and the only righteous place for Jews. Today, only Muslims and Palestinians are granted access to the mosque.
So, here’s our timeline: B.C. 598, the daily sacrifice ends precisely 1290 years later, and the Dome of the Rock is finished in 692 A.D., matching Daniel’s prophesy.
Now, let’s talk about Matthew’s “abomination. We must compare Matthew 24:15, and Mark 13:14, with Daniel’s prophesy. “When you (the Jews), therefore, shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place,” Mark 13:14 reads, “Standing where it ought not,” the people are told to RUN, leave as fast as you can to the mountains. Daniel tells us another 1335 years will pass before Matthew's prophesy is fulfilled.
From 692 A.D. plus 1335 years, we arrive in 2027 A.D. The month will be October, around the 10th to 18th, during the celebration of Yom Kippur on October 10, 2027, and ends 10-18-27. The time also agrees with Jesus’ baptism on October 27 A.D., exactly 2000 years later.
Concerning these two verses, the Greek word for stand, found in Matthew and Mark, is opposed to falling. It’s a Past Particle expressing a completed action, and absolute. In other verses, the same words ‘stood or standing) are found in the following.
Matthew 12:46, “his brother stood without.”
Luke 9:27, “There are some standing here,”
Luke 17:12, “which stood afar off:’
Two abominations, two separate events, 1335 years apart. The Dome of the Rock is where the antichrist will establish his throne; and an image of himself will stand in the court outside his temple.
He will claim to be God, he’s a liar. And he will claim to be standing in the temple of God, he’s a liar. If the above is correct, the 3 1/2 years of Great Tribulation will begin the two witnesses are taken up, and when his high priest heals his deadly wound, then receives his mark, 666.
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