Many of you seem to be [effectually] saying/suggesting over-and-over-and-over that - the KJV has a bottle cap full of error - while the modern bible versions have a swimming pool full of error - and that you prefer the swimming pool full of error - because you cannot swim in a bottle cap???
You want to shout from the highest mountain that there are 'errors' in the KJV - yet - you want to totally ignore the vast number of errors in the modern bible versions.
Something is seriously wrong somewhere...
However, I put forth a question to you:
What is an 'error'?
What if we pause from all of the mud-slinging for a bit to clarify just exactly what an 'error' is
in the context of bible translations.
There are five verses in the KJV that contain 'Noe' instead of 'Noah'.
In bible translation terms, is this to be considered an 'error'? No, it is not. Why? Because, it does not change
the essence of the meaning of the Word of God.
This is why
@Nehemiah6 says it "has flaws" but not 'errors' - because, the simple 'typo' kind of copyist or printing "error" does not produce 'error' in the Word of God.
The blatent deliberate egregious errors of the modern versions change the very meaning of scripture.
And -
you would rather have that in the swimming pool size than to believe and trust the KJV as the true inerrant Word of God and spend the effort to properly study the places where you do not fully understand its meaning???
Again - something is seriously wrong somewhere...
It is within human nature to want to swim in the pool - that is - to have a large [fleshly] "comfort zone" margin to buffer against the "strictness" of the plain simple truth - and, especially, the Word of God.
You want the swimming pool because you cannot swim in the bottle cap.
The bottle cap does not offer enough [fleshly] "comfort zone" for you.
The modern bible versions give you that "comfort zone" margin.
If you cannot believe and trust that you have the complete Word of God - to read and study with the attitude that it is correct - and that you must carefully-and-prayerfully discern what God is trying to tell you through scripture - instead of deciding for yourself what it is-or-should-be saying - you are in a bad place to be with regard to the significance and importance of properly understanding scripture.
In any case, I suggest that all of you stop wasting hundreds of posts arguing over the wrong thing until you get your definitions straight...
Instead of mud-slinging, how about trying to see what you
can agree upon.