In around 25 months from now Vatican City is going to be destroyed, which will cause all fiat currencies in the world to enter a state of hyperinflation. This will happen in the spring of 2026 AD around 6 months prior to the year 6,000 in the autumn of 2026 AD, which will be the time of the return of Yeshua, which will also be precisely 2,000 years since the anointing of Yeshua in 26 AD. Vatican City is the true prostitute of Babylon of Revelation, and just as the prophecy in Revelation states, she will be destroyed by the beast and its 10 horns, which symbolizes the newly formed United States of Europe and its 10 nations that will give it authority.
Anytime now the two witnesses of Revelation are going to appear to all humanity, who have been anointed since last year in Nisan 15. They will destroy the Dome of the Rock, and through them the third temple will be constructed quickly, just in time for the return of Yeshua in 2 years from now in 2026 AD. They have now been prophesying for 290 days, and only 970 days are now left until they are killed in Jerusalem by the newly formed United States of Europe. Almost one quarter of the total 1,260 days they have been appointed to prophesy has passed. They will die in the morning of Jerusalem time around 12 hours after the 6th trumpet blast in the evening of Tishri 6, and then around 12 hours later the 7th trumpet will be blasted in the evening of Tishri 7, and Yeshua will begin to rule the earth.
The 7 trumpets of Revelation will be blasted for 7 days on Yom Teruah, beginning in Tishri 1 to Tishri 7. The descension of Yeshua will happen in the morning of Elul 22, which 7 and 1/2 days prior to the 1st trumpet blast. This is the 1/2 hour prophetic hour of silence in heaven, because the celestial city will be left alone when Yeshua descends onto the earth, because he will descend unto the earth with all his 400 million angels, which never in the history of humanity has happened. And at the command of Yeshua, all his armies of angels will capture all humanity, to bring them to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, to judge them there. Those who are chosen to inherit the kingdom of Yeshua will sit in thrones there and will help judge all humanity during that time, which will take no longer than 5 months. And this will be the judgment of the living. The judgment of the dead will happen around 1,000 years later when the millennial rulership of Yeshua comes to an end, and the dead will be resurrected for judgment. This is the second resurrection.
The appointed times of the autumn of the Torah and the Jewish calendar lay down the order of events of the second coming of Yeshua, just as the appointed times of the spring of the Torah and the Jewish calendar laid down the order of events of the first coming of Yeshua. After the death of the two witnesses, they will be resurrected 3 and 1/2 days later in the evening of Tishri 10, which is Yom Kippur, which is when the 1st resurrection of the dead will happen and the gathering of the people of God, which is also called the "rapture". The great shofar will be blown on that day, which will be the 120th yovel year of the year 6,000 from creation. It is the "last trumpet" Paul spoke of when the dead are resurrected. "Trumpet" is a mistranslation, and means a wind instrument, and the last wind instrument to be sounded at the return of Yeshua will be the great shofar of Yom Kippur after the 7 trumpets of Revelation of Yom Teruah are blasted. At the 6th trumpet blast 1/3 of humanity will be killed by 200 million seraphim, taking on the form of horses of fire to gallop and slaughter.
15 days prior to the destruction of Vatican City the United States of Europe will be established. They will hate Vatican City, and expose her, ransack her, and destroy her. All central banks of the world clandestinely trace back to one bank, the Vatican Bank, in Vatican City, in Rome, which is why her destruction will cause the collapse of the global financial system. This is why she is also the city that has dominion over all the kings of the earth, "the woman that you saw is the great city that has dominion over the kings of the earth". Revelation 17:18. Because she rules over all nations through central banks and money.
Paper money and fiat currency are the true mark of the beast of Revelation, cursing anyone who accepts it as money, because these are false weights, which are forbidden by the Torah of God. Anyone who has accepted paper money and fiat currency will be condemned at the return of Yeshua, and will be thrown over lava like garbage, to be destroyed body and soul. Most believers have misinterpreted the prophecy of the mark of the beast foolishly thinking it was talking about microchip implants and 666 tattoos, not realizing it was figuratively talking about a form of money that all humanity would adopt to buy and sell that is forbidden, which today is paper money and fiat currency.
The right hand symbolizes possessing this money, which then gives a person authority to buy and sell, because the right hand is a symbol of authority in scripture. And the forehead symbolizes debt of this money to buy and sell, which today comes in the form of credit cards and auto loans and mortgages, because having a name imprinted on the forehead means being owned by that name, and debt is what makes a person a slave to an owner. And 666 makes reference to Solomon in the Tanakh, who received "666 talents of gold". "Talent" is the name of the a weight, and "666" is the value of the weight, which is the mark of the beast in its two forms, the "name" and the "number of the name". Which is paper money and fiat currency today, because what today we call "pesos" and "pounds" and "dollars" were formerly names of weights, by which gold was weighed to buy and sell, but when paper money was introduced to the world in representation of gold, then was devalued, then the backing of gold was removed from the paper money making it also into fiat currency, these former names of weights became false weights representing nothing. And so humanity was left buying with mere names of weights and mere numbers of names of weights, representing absolutely nothing, and not even meaning weight nor gold anymore, which is the mark of the beast in its two forms, the "name" and the "number of the name". These former names of weights became false weights and false numbers of weights. Which violates the command of God, "you shall not have false weights".
Paper money and fiat currency has existed around the last 100 years, in this final generation before the return of Yeshua, although in history prior to this time there were attempts to bring it into circulation, but it always eventually collapsed, because it is worthless debased money, only having an imaginary value that the banks try to use to their advantage, by devaluing it, to then cause inflation, to then cause debt. This is why the world is currently so impoverished and why many people are so indebted. In nations that have already experienced hyperinflation many people are eating out of garbages. And in richer nations many people are indebted because everything is extremely expensive. Several decades ago it was common for our grandfathers and great grandfathers to purchase houses with only just 2 or 3 years of work, now it takes someone around 20 to 30 years of work to own their house outright without debt. This is the overall damage of inflation caused by paper money and fiat currency. It is theft. It is evil. It is the great scheme of theft the world has ever seen. And everyone is guilty of this, not just the people that issue it, because as long as everyone continues to accept it as money it continues to circulate. Which is why anyone that has the mark of the beast is worthy of the lake of lava. But if everyone stopped accepting it as money, it was stop circulating. Whereas the vale of gold and silver is based on its weight, which causes price stability, and a house purchased for around 10 ozt can be expected to cost the same 100 years later. This is good.
God has made a money a stumbling block to the world, because all humanity discarded the commands of God in exchange for money that is evil, so it will backfire against all humanity when it collapses and all humanity is left impoverished and in famine. I therefore advised you stock up to have what you need in this short remaining time until the return of Yeshua in 2 years from now in 2026 AD, and to get rid of your money by exchanging it for food and water and necessities to be able to be outside the financial system not needing money anymore and also to have what you need during the global financial collapse until the return of Yeshua in the autumn of 2026 AD, who will then gather all who believed and obeyed him. It is only a little bit of time to be without money, for the sake of obedience to the commands of God. It is only a little bit of inconvenience, and a demonstration to God that you love him more than you love money. All who forsake money for the the sake of obedience will be rewarded greatly. But because you refused to listen and believe and obey now you will be inconvenienced when the entire global financial system collapses and you are left in hunger and impoverished, and then are struck with severe plagues, and then are judged and condemned. It is better to inconvenience yourself now in obedience than be inconvenienced later because of disobedience. Either way, everyone will be inconvenienced, so might as well do so now willingly in obedience be renouncing money and exchanging it all for what you need and waiting for the return of Yeshua, and having extra to do good works and share with the poor. And also remember that we must obey all the commands of the Torah of Moses, not just renouncing fiat currency. Do this, and you will be saved, and will be at an advantage over everyone else who refused to believe and obey and prepare.
Anytime now the two witnesses of Revelation are going to appear to all humanity, who have been anointed since last year in Nisan 15. They will destroy the Dome of the Rock, and through them the third temple will be constructed quickly, just in time for the return of Yeshua in 2 years from now in 2026 AD. They have now been prophesying for 290 days, and only 970 days are now left until they are killed in Jerusalem by the newly formed United States of Europe. Almost one quarter of the total 1,260 days they have been appointed to prophesy has passed. They will die in the morning of Jerusalem time around 12 hours after the 6th trumpet blast in the evening of Tishri 6, and then around 12 hours later the 7th trumpet will be blasted in the evening of Tishri 7, and Yeshua will begin to rule the earth.
The 7 trumpets of Revelation will be blasted for 7 days on Yom Teruah, beginning in Tishri 1 to Tishri 7. The descension of Yeshua will happen in the morning of Elul 22, which 7 and 1/2 days prior to the 1st trumpet blast. This is the 1/2 hour prophetic hour of silence in heaven, because the celestial city will be left alone when Yeshua descends onto the earth, because he will descend unto the earth with all his 400 million angels, which never in the history of humanity has happened. And at the command of Yeshua, all his armies of angels will capture all humanity, to bring them to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, to judge them there. Those who are chosen to inherit the kingdom of Yeshua will sit in thrones there and will help judge all humanity during that time, which will take no longer than 5 months. And this will be the judgment of the living. The judgment of the dead will happen around 1,000 years later when the millennial rulership of Yeshua comes to an end, and the dead will be resurrected for judgment. This is the second resurrection.
The appointed times of the autumn of the Torah and the Jewish calendar lay down the order of events of the second coming of Yeshua, just as the appointed times of the spring of the Torah and the Jewish calendar laid down the order of events of the first coming of Yeshua. After the death of the two witnesses, they will be resurrected 3 and 1/2 days later in the evening of Tishri 10, which is Yom Kippur, which is when the 1st resurrection of the dead will happen and the gathering of the people of God, which is also called the "rapture". The great shofar will be blown on that day, which will be the 120th yovel year of the year 6,000 from creation. It is the "last trumpet" Paul spoke of when the dead are resurrected. "Trumpet" is a mistranslation, and means a wind instrument, and the last wind instrument to be sounded at the return of Yeshua will be the great shofar of Yom Kippur after the 7 trumpets of Revelation of Yom Teruah are blasted. At the 6th trumpet blast 1/3 of humanity will be killed by 200 million seraphim, taking on the form of horses of fire to gallop and slaughter.
15 days prior to the destruction of Vatican City the United States of Europe will be established. They will hate Vatican City, and expose her, ransack her, and destroy her. All central banks of the world clandestinely trace back to one bank, the Vatican Bank, in Vatican City, in Rome, which is why her destruction will cause the collapse of the global financial system. This is why she is also the city that has dominion over all the kings of the earth, "the woman that you saw is the great city that has dominion over the kings of the earth". Revelation 17:18. Because she rules over all nations through central banks and money.
Paper money and fiat currency are the true mark of the beast of Revelation, cursing anyone who accepts it as money, because these are false weights, which are forbidden by the Torah of God. Anyone who has accepted paper money and fiat currency will be condemned at the return of Yeshua, and will be thrown over lava like garbage, to be destroyed body and soul. Most believers have misinterpreted the prophecy of the mark of the beast foolishly thinking it was talking about microchip implants and 666 tattoos, not realizing it was figuratively talking about a form of money that all humanity would adopt to buy and sell that is forbidden, which today is paper money and fiat currency.
The right hand symbolizes possessing this money, which then gives a person authority to buy and sell, because the right hand is a symbol of authority in scripture. And the forehead symbolizes debt of this money to buy and sell, which today comes in the form of credit cards and auto loans and mortgages, because having a name imprinted on the forehead means being owned by that name, and debt is what makes a person a slave to an owner. And 666 makes reference to Solomon in the Tanakh, who received "666 talents of gold". "Talent" is the name of the a weight, and "666" is the value of the weight, which is the mark of the beast in its two forms, the "name" and the "number of the name". Which is paper money and fiat currency today, because what today we call "pesos" and "pounds" and "dollars" were formerly names of weights, by which gold was weighed to buy and sell, but when paper money was introduced to the world in representation of gold, then was devalued, then the backing of gold was removed from the paper money making it also into fiat currency, these former names of weights became false weights representing nothing. And so humanity was left buying with mere names of weights and mere numbers of names of weights, representing absolutely nothing, and not even meaning weight nor gold anymore, which is the mark of the beast in its two forms, the "name" and the "number of the name". These former names of weights became false weights and false numbers of weights. Which violates the command of God, "you shall not have false weights".
Paper money and fiat currency has existed around the last 100 years, in this final generation before the return of Yeshua, although in history prior to this time there were attempts to bring it into circulation, but it always eventually collapsed, because it is worthless debased money, only having an imaginary value that the banks try to use to their advantage, by devaluing it, to then cause inflation, to then cause debt. This is why the world is currently so impoverished and why many people are so indebted. In nations that have already experienced hyperinflation many people are eating out of garbages. And in richer nations many people are indebted because everything is extremely expensive. Several decades ago it was common for our grandfathers and great grandfathers to purchase houses with only just 2 or 3 years of work, now it takes someone around 20 to 30 years of work to own their house outright without debt. This is the overall damage of inflation caused by paper money and fiat currency. It is theft. It is evil. It is the great scheme of theft the world has ever seen. And everyone is guilty of this, not just the people that issue it, because as long as everyone continues to accept it as money it continues to circulate. Which is why anyone that has the mark of the beast is worthy of the lake of lava. But if everyone stopped accepting it as money, it was stop circulating. Whereas the vale of gold and silver is based on its weight, which causes price stability, and a house purchased for around 10 ozt can be expected to cost the same 100 years later. This is good.
God has made a money a stumbling block to the world, because all humanity discarded the commands of God in exchange for money that is evil, so it will backfire against all humanity when it collapses and all humanity is left impoverished and in famine. I therefore advised you stock up to have what you need in this short remaining time until the return of Yeshua in 2 years from now in 2026 AD, and to get rid of your money by exchanging it for food and water and necessities to be able to be outside the financial system not needing money anymore and also to have what you need during the global financial collapse until the return of Yeshua in the autumn of 2026 AD, who will then gather all who believed and obeyed him. It is only a little bit of time to be without money, for the sake of obedience to the commands of God. It is only a little bit of inconvenience, and a demonstration to God that you love him more than you love money. All who forsake money for the the sake of obedience will be rewarded greatly. But because you refused to listen and believe and obey now you will be inconvenienced when the entire global financial system collapses and you are left in hunger and impoverished, and then are struck with severe plagues, and then are judged and condemned. It is better to inconvenience yourself now in obedience than be inconvenienced later because of disobedience. Either way, everyone will be inconvenienced, so might as well do so now willingly in obedience be renouncing money and exchanging it all for what you need and waiting for the return of Yeshua, and having extra to do good works and share with the poor. And also remember that we must obey all the commands of the Torah of Moses, not just renouncing fiat currency. Do this, and you will be saved, and will be at an advantage over everyone else who refused to believe and obey and prepare.
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