I have been discussing with my friend if the suffering to those condemned to hell eventually ends, my views are that there is no end because the Book of Revelation explicity states that the devil, the false prophet and the beast are thrown alive into the lake of fire which means they are not even Judged, and they are tormented forever and ever. Then the wicked humanity are resurrected and condemned after judgment and they join the original three in hell. My friend holds the view that the fires of hell burn them and they perish eventually, which doctrine is true?
The Hebrew word for hell is Sheol and it means a place of darkness and gloom who are spirits go after death from this world. It did not mean a place of burning fire and eternal punishment to the Hebrews.
If I am correct hell's fire and eternal punishment in hell is not in the Old Testament. And it seems the definition of Hell / Sheol changed in the New Testament. Could that be because the New Testament was originally written in Greek; and had a Greek influence.
Matthew 10:28 _ Jesus said don't fear Him who can destroy the body but fear Him who can destroy both body and soul in hell - what does destroy mean?
And what is the second death of all of those who will be cast into the lake of fire in Revelation 21:8 _ 20:6&14 _ 2:11? It seems to mean those who are cast into the lake of fire will be destroyed, cease to exist.
Everlasting punishment as written in Matthew 25:46 seemingly means judgment is passed, the punishment is final.
But the Bible is clear the fires of hell is eternal and never cease.
Weeping and gashing of teeth _naturally that would occur _ weeping the realization that it's real gashing of teeth from fear then pain.
Hell has been a debate in Christianity throughout some centuries.
Scriptures indicate destruction for all except the devil, death, and hell - they seemingly are the only ones where the Bible says will be tortured day and night forever. Which actually may only be the devil - death and hell seemingly are not entities /spirits with or without forms. Death is what humans experience when their Spirit leaves the earthly bodies and Hell Is The place God created for the Angels. So?
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