The following explanation focuses on 1Timothy _2:11 &12 . .... It will also include 1Corinthians_ 14:34&35. ... Even though ...there are several reasons showing that 1Co 14:34 & 35... was a scribal interpolation... However, we must consider there is a slim chance that it was God breathed .... and as such.... the primary point of both ....will be covered in the explanation of 1Timothy.
I understand the emphatic stand that people take regarding this subject. But it is important to keep 1Timothy within the context of which was written. .... Culture was different... but the principle of the statement still remains.
I Timothy is a pastoral epistle written to the leadership in the church (“church” meaning called of God “the body of Christ” ….not a physical structure.) Therefore, when reading this book... keep in mind “who” it is addressing, and “why”. We cannot take a few verses out of their context and make them a general application to all women within the body of Christ....that’s absurd!.... Context and to whom scriptures are addressed are primary discernments in biblical study.
In 1 Timothy_2:9-15 ... the Word is dealing with the “wives” of the men of God
The word “woman” should read “wives” as we read through this section (as noted in 1Ti 3:1&2).
Realizing that..... should be enough to shut the door this subject it is plainly stated also in 1Cor 14 you could stop right here.
Or you can read my inner-verse dribble as I go on....
∎1Ti 2:11 Let the woman (wives) learn in silence with all subjection. ∎
“learn” = to be informed .... to understand, to learn by study and observation.
“silence” (Greek) = hesuchia... meaning – inner awareness, a quietness, tranquility. It’s just the opposite of vociferous.
There is a time for a person to keep quiet and a time to speak. The context here is talking about “wives of the men of God”. With that inner awareness...they will know when that time and palace is.
with all subjection = submission by loving obedience.
When the woman decided to marry the man, she made the decision that the man would be the head of God is the head of the man. The wife has to become aware of the inner awareness of her man ....just as the man is with God.
This is not a subservient roll of control .... but rather it’s by loving obedience, by proper arrangement, and deliberate decision. It means there is 100% input from both parties, but the man (as the head of the household) would make the final decisions on any matters.
∎1Ti 2:12 But I suffer = (direct or instruct) not a “woman” (wife) to teach, nor to usurp authority over the “man” husband, but to be in silence. ∎
teach is the Greek word didaske = to debate.
(didaske) ....We get our word “teacher” from this Greek word. It’s used in the academic realm of a didactic course [a teaching course] But here is the beauty of this scripture.
In our teaching methods (typically) there is no debate..... But in the old Hebrew or the synagogue operation, anytime a teacher teaches.... anybody who wants to get up and question him can do so. God says - I instruct the wife not to debate in public with her man (who represents the word of God.) .... You can obviously see where this would belittle the man, showing great disrespect to the man of God, and the Word of God. Which ultimately always comes down to respect of the Word of God... decently and in order]
to “usurp authority over” = to exercise power over, domineer.
but to be in “silence” – same word as in verse 11 (hesuchia) “the inner awareness”.
Both the roll of the Man and the Woman should be kept in the perspective of the Word. (marriage relationship, and leadership relationship) ...This is dealing with “wives” in the eastern culture.... and the setting (at that time) that took place.
The setting is where men would sit on one side and women on the other of the room after the teaching. The men would discuss/debate what was taught. [remember that word “didaske”... to debate]
Interruptions were obviously taking place in fellowships during that time (from the wives) to necessitate God... having this written.
Remember... this is not a large church structure.... keep in mind the times. The “churches” (structures) were the group settings and were primarily in home fellowships dictated in the book of Acts. ..... All that God was saying was .....hold your opinion/discussion until you get home or after others have left.
Neither of these accounts In 1Timothy and 1Corinthians applies to “all” women, but as you can see it did apply to these specific settings and still applies to similar settings for obvious reasons.
Can woman teach the Word …absolutely! Can married woman teach the Word….. absolutely …→ within the confines of the written Word.....
If it’s a married woman... it is done with the “proper arrangement” between a husband and wife.
As for Women teaching the Church (body of believers) ....there is nothing in the Word that disallows an unmarried woman from that...... In fact, just the contrary. ....As there are several areas in the Word (both OT & NT) that show women teaching. Which contradict these verses in 1Timbo ....and 1 Cor..... > if it were to apply to all women.<
There is no restriction (biblically) on an unmarried woman who desires to teach the Word. And the restrictions on a married woman are by proper arrangement between a husband and a wife.
I understand the emphatic stand that people take regarding this subject. But it is important to keep 1Timothy within the context of which was written. .... Culture was different... but the principle of the statement still remains.
I Timothy is a pastoral epistle written to the leadership in the church (“church” meaning called of God “the body of Christ” ….not a physical structure.) Therefore, when reading this book... keep in mind “who” it is addressing, and “why”. We cannot take a few verses out of their context and make them a general application to all women within the body of Christ....that’s absurd!.... Context and to whom scriptures are addressed are primary discernments in biblical study.
In 1 Timothy_2:9-15 ... the Word is dealing with the “wives” of the men of God
The word “woman” should read “wives” as we read through this section (as noted in 1Ti 3:1&2).
Realizing that..... should be enough to shut the door this subject it is plainly stated also in 1Cor 14 you could stop right here.
Or you can read my inner-verse dribble as I go on....
∎1Ti 2:11 Let the woman (wives) learn in silence with all subjection. ∎
“learn” = to be informed .... to understand, to learn by study and observation.
“silence” (Greek) = hesuchia... meaning – inner awareness, a quietness, tranquility. It’s just the opposite of vociferous.
There is a time for a person to keep quiet and a time to speak. The context here is talking about “wives of the men of God”. With that inner awareness...they will know when that time and palace is.
with all subjection = submission by loving obedience.
When the woman decided to marry the man, she made the decision that the man would be the head of God is the head of the man. The wife has to become aware of the inner awareness of her man ....just as the man is with God.
This is not a subservient roll of control .... but rather it’s by loving obedience, by proper arrangement, and deliberate decision. It means there is 100% input from both parties, but the man (as the head of the household) would make the final decisions on any matters.
∎1Ti 2:12 But I suffer = (direct or instruct) not a “woman” (wife) to teach, nor to usurp authority over the “man” husband, but to be in silence. ∎
teach is the Greek word didaske = to debate.
(didaske) ....We get our word “teacher” from this Greek word. It’s used in the academic realm of a didactic course [a teaching course] But here is the beauty of this scripture.
In our teaching methods (typically) there is no debate..... But in the old Hebrew or the synagogue operation, anytime a teacher teaches.... anybody who wants to get up and question him can do so. God says - I instruct the wife not to debate in public with her man (who represents the word of God.) .... You can obviously see where this would belittle the man, showing great disrespect to the man of God, and the Word of God. Which ultimately always comes down to respect of the Word of God... decently and in order]
to “usurp authority over” = to exercise power over, domineer.
but to be in “silence” – same word as in verse 11 (hesuchia) “the inner awareness”.
Both the roll of the Man and the Woman should be kept in the perspective of the Word. (marriage relationship, and leadership relationship) ...This is dealing with “wives” in the eastern culture.... and the setting (at that time) that took place.
The setting is where men would sit on one side and women on the other of the room after the teaching. The men would discuss/debate what was taught. [remember that word “didaske”... to debate]
Interruptions were obviously taking place in fellowships during that time (from the wives) to necessitate God... having this written.
Remember... this is not a large church structure.... keep in mind the times. The “churches” (structures) were the group settings and were primarily in home fellowships dictated in the book of Acts. ..... All that God was saying was .....hold your opinion/discussion until you get home or after others have left.
Neither of these accounts In 1Timothy and 1Corinthians applies to “all” women, but as you can see it did apply to these specific settings and still applies to similar settings for obvious reasons.
Can woman teach the Word …absolutely! Can married woman teach the Word….. absolutely …→ within the confines of the written Word.....
If it’s a married woman... it is done with the “proper arrangement” between a husband and wife.
As for Women teaching the Church (body of believers) ....there is nothing in the Word that disallows an unmarried woman from that...... In fact, just the contrary. ....As there are several areas in the Word (both OT & NT) that show women teaching. Which contradict these verses in 1Timbo ....and 1 Cor..... > if it were to apply to all women.<
There is no restriction (biblically) on an unmarried woman who desires to teach the Word. And the restrictions on a married woman are by proper arrangement between a husband and a wife.
This was a lengthy post and many probably skipped over it, but I appreciate you breaking it down and I believe you are correct that the passage was referring to wives teaching/debating or rebuking their husbands and other men in a church setting.
I do not believe that God requires me to submit to the authority of every Christian man simply because he is Christian and male; it is clear that not all Christian males agree, so how could I submit to all of them?
If I marry I will submit to my husband. Until then, Christ is my spiritual head.
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