The Jews in America have been truly blessed in terms of financial prosperity. What is the reason for this?
yet only 2.4% of USA identify as Jewish yet they control media, banking, finance, Hollywood, etc.
Result of Abraham blessing? Not hating at all, there has to be some secrets to be unlocked here.
Haha what a topic, eh?
Ok, here’s my take on this since I love genealogy.
First of all comes the question: Are you really Jewish or did you do one of those DNA swab tests that Americans love to do and found out that your great grandfather was a Jew from Poland and now the government has your DNA swabs? Lol
If I were to give you my experience it would be like this.
My wife and I are from Albania. 100% raised and born there and we finished high school there. I can trace my family tree with documents back to 1500s that proves that I’m 100% Albanian. Before that, we know based on history where my ancestors came from.
Now this proves that I’m Albanian by culture but not by bloodline because I’m sure that there has been other nations mixed in my family tree before the documents that I have, so it’s impossible to say that I’m 100% Albanian by bloodline.
Same thing applies for anybody else including the Jews.
The British for example are very good at keeping documents tracing back to year 1000 but even before that, it’s very hard to pin down their true origins.
Anyway, back to our time and generation. Since my wife and I are Albanian, the same cannot be said for our kids who are born in USA. They are American and they have as much in common with Albania as an extended tourist might have.
So, when you say “I’m Jewish”, the real question is: Where were you born?
Because if you’re born in USA, you have as much in common with Israel or the area known as Israel before the world powers created it after WW2, you have as much in common with an extended tourist vacation.
Yes, I know some families are hard on preserving tradition. Very very hard. Even in these cases when the kid don’t rebel against their family due to cultural differences, they still cannot be fully formed as “Jewish” if they were born, raised and educated in USA. If you go back to your parent’s country which could be Italy, Greece, Israel or whatever, they are going to call you “American” not one of their own.
I remember Madeline Albright who was secretary of state and was a person known on the eastern block because she was born in the Czech Republic. But everyone referred to her as an American with some Czech roots because everyone knew that she has as much in common with a Czech as a tourist might have.
So this is the first aspect to distinguish when we say anything about Jewish people or any other nation.
The second part as to why they might be in positions of power could be a two-fold answer.
The first part is that they are very determined. They have a lot of similarities as my culture. I know this because I’ve met many of them when I was young and now that I work with them. I mean Jews who are born in Israel who speak broken English, not Jews who are born in US. And one of them is not even Jewish by origin but Russian by origin.
But they are very determined. So they work hard to get into positions which pay a lot of money. And good for them! Their hard work pays off so God bless them.
And Yes, I’ve seen all the pictures of these so-called “Jews” in positions of power like you mentioned government, Hollywood etc, but none of them are Jews from Israel. They’re Americans first and maybe on one side of their family they had a parent who was from Israel or the area known as Israel before WW2 and that’s why they say they’re Jewish.
The second part is maybe a matter of perception?
There are many other ethnicities in positions of power and who have wealth so it’s not just the Jewish.