For every life lesson I've learned, like petty things to not argue about or make a big deal about, there have been exactly 0 opportunities to avoid an argument about something.
When it's just between peers, people just ghost you out of nowhere, no rhyme or reason. You could lose someone you've known for 5 or more years tomorrow without ever realizing that things were starting to go bad between the two of you, because you had exactly 0 arguments the entire time you were friends.
As far as work goes, if a co-worker's a "bully" they are inevitably triggered / fueled by a completely non-existent reaction on your part. If they don't get any kind of retaliation on your part that they can report to the boss, they'll try to frame you for something to get you fired, in hopes that your replacement will be more reactive to their bullying so that they can "enjoy" it more.
When I've had the kind of boss that's savvy enough to see that the bully is the bad guy and not me, it's always been at a company that later had to do financial layoffs, or a company that went bankrupt.
People often ask "what would Jesus do" and Jesus wouldn't need money to feed himself or pay for medical needs. If he did need money for some reason, he could just turn a bunch of water into wine and bottle it and sell it at a bar or something.
So, what should a Christian do that still needs a job because he/she lives on planet Earth? Assuming you have an Associate's Degree in Electronic Technology, but somehow that doesn't open any doors whatsoever?
Once I found I wasn't getting anywhere with this degree, I figured I'd go back to school, but needed something to pay for those classes. Unfortunately, even places that don't list any degree requirements (i.e. janitor or cashier) won't give me so much as an interview. Nor do places that list my degree. At the same time, offering freelance services hasn't gotten me anywhere either.
When it's just between peers, people just ghost you out of nowhere, no rhyme or reason. You could lose someone you've known for 5 or more years tomorrow without ever realizing that things were starting to go bad between the two of you, because you had exactly 0 arguments the entire time you were friends.
As far as work goes, if a co-worker's a "bully" they are inevitably triggered / fueled by a completely non-existent reaction on your part. If they don't get any kind of retaliation on your part that they can report to the boss, they'll try to frame you for something to get you fired, in hopes that your replacement will be more reactive to their bullying so that they can "enjoy" it more.
When I've had the kind of boss that's savvy enough to see that the bully is the bad guy and not me, it's always been at a company that later had to do financial layoffs, or a company that went bankrupt.
People often ask "what would Jesus do" and Jesus wouldn't need money to feed himself or pay for medical needs. If he did need money for some reason, he could just turn a bunch of water into wine and bottle it and sell it at a bar or something.
So, what should a Christian do that still needs a job because he/she lives on planet Earth? Assuming you have an Associate's Degree in Electronic Technology, but somehow that doesn't open any doors whatsoever?
Once I found I wasn't getting anywhere with this degree, I figured I'd go back to school, but needed something to pay for those classes. Unfortunately, even places that don't list any degree requirements (i.e. janitor or cashier) won't give me so much as an interview. Nor do places that list my degree. At the same time, offering freelance services hasn't gotten me anywhere either.