That's like the day that I realized, while reading an advertisement, that nobody is going to pay money to have the word FREE typeset, just to inform me that they want to give me something for nothing.
Must admit, i wouldn't bother with that sort of quality typeset, even for free. However, did think the point was pretty worthy even before i believed the big guy upstairs would sort it all out.
Now i know the filth desperately need to kid themselves, let alone us, they're the good guys really. Hence why they call our Creator the demiurge, when they're the ones who want us to worship sexual predators, sadists and other debauchers like in their myths about themselves.
Sadly, i used to love Greek myths and read Nathaniel Hawthorne's book of them when i was seven. Admittedly, they were sanitised some but it's still gobsmacking how such evil/brainwashing is normalised.
Hmm....might have gone off on a slight tangent there, definitely not a first