As someone with a younger brother, who goes to a school in Southern California, where a bunch of these teachers basically try and force you to identify as an LGBTQ, I think I have a heart for these kids who come here looking for community and servant leadership.
Well, apparently the definition of queer has changed in the last few decades, ever since the LGBTQRSTUV became a thing, according to the left. Where when I was growing up, queer meant gay but to these younger kids, queer has an entirely different meaning, due too a lot of the educational brainwashing.
So when you ask a person if they have had gay sex on a public forum, where the entire internet can see, I expect you or anyone on here to be a little more well-rounded and maybe think before we just write something so vulgar for the whole world to see.
It’s something that needs private messaging at least.
I also don’t believe that once someone is gay, they are gay forever. Homosexuality is a lie from Satan, confusing our youth.
I was about to sleep until I got called out but I am going sleep now. Good night.
Yes it's people like you that let these people continue to be lead astray and also give cause Christianity to Devide fight and argue.
As to why I say this is because your idea of truth is to attack me and call me vulgar in favor of protecting somebody boasting they are queer on a Christian web chat of all places to boast they are queer this is not one of them.
Well obviously I must of have come to the wrong place if this all ok going to be subject to.
Then let's look at the vulgar remark,. Let's see
What is sin to you ?
If i asked are you still committing adultery after you confided in public and told the whole world your cheating on your partner
Would that still be vulgar then. ?
Why get so offended really ?
Are you living in sin ?
Or have you even considered this ?
Would not one single person be made to think about gay sex after being told directly by someone there queer.
Or let's put it another way.
Can many people after being informed they are queer in a public Christian chat forum not be made to have the thought of queer sex cross there mind. ?
As I never asked anyone if they where queer I just opened this page with a sandwich and coffee in my hand only to made feel slightly uncomfortable with reading what I read.
But instead of being abusive like you I asked a mature question which you find vulgar
Obviously you must be offended for other reasons as far I can see as I can't justify your reason for.calling me vulgar ,
Oh and btw God finds two men lying down with each other abominable.
Oh and btw as Christians we are instructed to inform you it's not good to carry on living in sin
Peace and blessings to you