Something that always gets brought up with the calvies......Who is HE speaking to? BELIEVERS.
BELIEVERS Are Predestined To be in Him. Believers are predestined To be holy and blameless. Believers are predestined to the adoption.
Unbelievers have NONE of these blessings. Unbelievers Have the GOSPEL......John 3:16 Acts 16:31.
BELIEVERS Are Predestined To be in Him. Believers are predestined To be holy and blameless. Believers are predestined to the adoption.
Unbelievers have NONE of these blessings. Unbelievers Have the GOSPEL......John 3:16 Acts 16:31.
The fact that Paul is talking to believers is beside the point. The fact remains that they were predestined before the foundation of the world. This is not something that happened after they believed, nor is it something that was earned because they believed. This predestination was done according to the good pleasure of His will – before the foundation of the world! Please read the words before drawing your conclusion.
And you cannot say that unbelievers have none of these blessings. How do you know that they will not also turn to God in faith – just as those whom Paul is speaking to.
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