Thank you all for your awesome senses of humor!
And now I'm thinking of the Levels of Judgment that these poor Directional Bunnies would receive.
* I mean, north is always associated with going up, towards heaven, so I'm guessing, The Northern Bunny would get off ALMOST scott-free.
* East is always associated with the sunrise, and mornings, which are associated with grace, so I'm guessing the Eastern Bunny, with a charming twitch of his ears, might just get by on a hop and a swish.
* But oh, woe and smite to the poor Western Bunny, seeing as the west is associated with the setting of the sun and the dark, dark night.
* And, I'm afraid that pitiable Southern Bunny is doomed to nothing but wretchedness! After all, we know nothing but trouble brews in the South!!

I'm guessing
@Lynx @RodB651 @Texasgal might have something to say about this, though.