If I am a christian, why do I feel depressed.
I wish life could be easy. God lets us suffer so much and my friend suffers. I thought god was kind. Why?
Hello Dedders,
How I wish life would be easy, too, but the truth of the matter is that it isn't. As humans we face all of kinds of struggles, but God is kind, suffers along with us, and sends others to encourage and support us in our troubles.
I agree with the others who have replied to your post--depression can be brought about by anxiety, but clinical depression is a medical condition and one that can be managed through medication. I have suffered from depression, which caused me to dislike myself and others and made me feel extremely unhappy and often hopeless. Once my physician prescribed the appropriate medication for me, it helped my chemical imbalance and relieved the depression. I am a different person today because of prayer and medical assistance.
Whether God heals through miracles or medical science doesn't matter to me, for He created it all.
There isn't much else to add, except a few things from scripture that I'd like to share with you to encourage you:
I call on the LORD in my distress, and he answers me. (Ps. 120:1)
If we were never in distress, we would not need to call on the Lord to help us. The comforting thing is that He is right there with us and answers us. We may not always recognize the answers, though, because we often have preconceived ideas when we pray about what the answer should be. But God's plans are better, and His timing is often different from ours. We must trust and not lose hope in Him.
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. (2 Cor. 4:17)
We can learn and grow through every difficult circumstance we face, if we continue to hold on to God and focus on Him and not on our circumstances.
Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. (Gal. 6:2)
If we never had a burden, we would not need to help each other carry them. God allows life to happen while we are on this earth. But, thanks be to God that He sends brothers and sisters alongside of us to help us through encouragement and prayer.
I will uphold you in prayer, my dear brother.