"Hallelujah...now we have, (seemingly)... "witnesses" that appear to have seen, heard and know all that took place within the historical events surrounding the Jesus Christ saga."
Being revamped into a NCWO to help justify untold foolishness! And perhaps also to cover up a Great Fear of the spiritual unknowns.'
'The difference between school and life...
In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test.
In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.'
"And the list on ignore grows. Worldly views without spiritual enlightenment being precisely the
cause of 'Christian' fragmentation to the disturbing point of being far out of touch with the reality
that the nature of God is a spirit 'being'...not a worldly person.
Abomination being that of leaving or cause of bringing about lost souls to be desolate."
"Attempting to explain and or interpret spiritual things through the lens of the world shall
continue to bring about confusion and more 'falling away from God'. The adversary being part of the world foolishness."