It's been a couple of hectic weeks, which must be what caused me to so telegraphically just post that link down there and seemingly disappear for a while.
I was actually looking for a community of Christians, since I've had to put on pause almost all of my relationships, including the Church, to have or at least browse through some normal conversations from time to time.
Growth often comes by way of passing through hardships. Friends sometimes can be found there as well, as the saying we have here in Bulgaria goes - "A friend is known in need". After a complicated nerve damage in a broken shoulder, which grew into years of convalescence, I now find it somewhat difficult to go back to normality by myself. Here's the story and a way to contribute:
As a way of introduction, here is a photo from one of the nights spent in prayer with the church I befriended during my Erasmus trip to Madrid, Spain. Great people at Amistad Cristiana!