Search results for query: rapture

  1. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Agreed! (y) One of the first mis-steps in reading 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2 is to [incorrectly] EQUATE verse 1's "Rapture Subject" [when we go VERTICAL! (UP, to the meeting of the Lord IN THE AIR)] with the DISTINCT Subject of v.2's false claim Paul is telling about, which false claim is: "that...
  2. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...them." Rev11:12 -- ...because, according to your viewpoint, there IS NO "rapture TO HEAVEN" passage, not even this Rev11:12 CONTEXT (which according to you speaks of "congregation of believers" all over the world, being...
  3. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...just don't "get" why you are saying, that these "dead in Christ" (you are calling them) will be resurrected and then are (according to you) "raptured" TO HEAVEN (per v.12, according to your reading of the verse)... but out of the other side of your mouth are saying that at our Rapture-event...
  4. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    If I'm recalling rightly, you believe one of the two witnesses is the Gentile believers, who (as you'd put) are raptured "TO HEAVEN" (after they're killed and then are resurrected). Didn't you say this? Doesn't that mean that (according to your view) that the "2W" are "raptured TO HEAVEN" per...
  5. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    How can the context of Rev11 be about our Rapture? Because nothing in the text corresponds with it. For example, I think you're saying that one of the two witnesses is the Gentile believers. This means that the entirety of one witness is killed... and then are resurrected... and then (according...
  6. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    The phrase, "them also which sleep in/through Jesus will God bring with [G4862 - unioned-with] him" isn't talking about "at our Rapture/caught-up time-slot"; The understood question he is addressing, is (more along the lines of) how will those [members of the One Body] who've DIED also...
  7. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    From how I read his Post #2528, I thought he WAS distinguishing between the two. (In the context of his convo with ZNP.) Perhaps I've mis-read his post there?
  8. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!, brothers, with regard to [/in behalf of] the [†]coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him [v.1's Subject: our Rapture], 2that you not be quickly shaken in your mind or be alarmed whether by a spirit or a word or a letter as if from us, to the effect [/purporting]...
  9. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...2Cor5 (both of these latter verses speaking of the "still-living" ones [believers] at the time-slot being spoken of [the time of "our Rapture" (when we are "changed"/glorified bodies)--which, btw, "rapture" also INCLUDES the members of the Church which is His body WHO'VE DIED before that...
  10. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...but after such... when nothing temporal and seen is... seen. lol Secondly, I'm not able to figure out what *you* seem to be referring by "rapture [G726]" (when you say it will happen "on the last day") where you then INCLUDE "the dead [unsaved]" of all times as ALSO standing before this...
  11. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    May I ask you, what is your understanding of "the rapture happens on the last day"... "the last day" of what?
  12. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...referring to heaven as the seven years in the “Chuppah” in John 14:1-3, the bride should have “made herself ready” before the pretribulation rapture (around Rev. 4). And the “marriage of the Lamb” should have occurred at the beginning of the tribulation, and not at its extreme end. The...
  13. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Matthew 24:29-31 corresponds with Isaiah 27:9,12-13... it is NOT a "rapture-to-Heaven" passage (please see this context) [... where v.9 corresponds with both Romans 11:27 and Daniel 9:24 (parts) regarding Israel... on the earth (and never "lifting off the earth [TO Heaven]")]
  14. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Agreed. [still, following "our Rapture," God "SHALL SEND to them STRONG DELUSION so that THEY [i.e. certain ones, not 100% of the people on earth] should believe the LIE / the FALSE / the PSEUDEI..." - 2Th2:10,11-12] Agreed!
  15. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    What about Daniel's... ? "I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him." - Daniel 7:13
  16. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...the earth]")... which precedes the point in time (however brief) from that which "THEN" will take place: "caught up [G726] TOGETHER..." (i.e. raptured / SNATCHED [G726]... "TO the meeting of the Lord IN THE AIR"); --G726 - harpagēsometha "ἁρπάζω harpázō, har-pad'-zo; from a derivative of...
  17. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    AGREED! (y) [this is NOT a "rapture" passage, correct!]
  18. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...pages and pages ago. "the wedding FEAST / SUPPER" = "the promised and prophesied EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom age" (we are NOT being "raptured" IN ORDER TO ATTEND "the wedding FEAST / SUPPER" as though it is located UP THERE. NO!--That is NOT the PURPOSE of "our Rapture," as many...
  19. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...AGE! (the wedding FEAST / SUPPER)--Not "eliminating them from being part of" it!! NOT AT ALL! (ALL "believers" [who'd come to faith IN/DURING/WITHIN the Trib yrs (FOLLOWING "our Rapture")] will ENTER THE MK AGE / the wedding SUPPER--NONE LEFT OUT! Why are you suggesting we're saying otherwise??)
  20. T

    There will be no Rapture!!! my question (or 2 questions): --"WHERE" do you think we go following "the meeting of the Lord IN THE AIR"? --"WHEN" do you believe "our Rapture" takes place (in relation to the Trib years)? [I thought you earlier said "pre-Satan's-wrath" i.e. MID-trib/Pre-Wrath... something along those...