Search results for query: seals

  1. T

    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    ..."birth PANG [SINGULAR]" (OF "the beginning of birth PANGS [PLURAL]" that Jesus had spoken of), which "beginning of birth PANGS" *ARE* the "SEALS" (so the FIRST one is the START of the "7 year period"); The day of the Lord does not ARRIVE at the time-slot of His Second Coming to the earth...
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    ...(and passage) about the "5th Seal" martyrs (those "killed" in the FIRST half of the trib, just as Matt24:9 speaks of ['kill']... because the "Seals" ARE "the beginning of birth PANGS"). Rev6:11 says (of the 5th Seal martyrs) - "And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was...
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    ...4:1 = "[TO SHEW unto..] ...things which must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" (not "soon [adverb]"); --"the beginning of birth PANGS" = "the SEALS [1-5 at least]"... and Lk21:12 states that the 70ad events (in vv.12-24a,b) must take place "BEFORE ALL THESE" beginning of birth pangs that...
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    ...FIRST (*BEFORE* all of those items in vv.8-11); --and that "the beginning of birth pangs" (Mt24:4-8... Mk13:5-8... AND Lk21:8-11) ARE "the SEALS" of Rev6 (SEALS 1-5); --and that, the "end / outcome" of the 70ad events is spelled out in v.24a "and they shall be led away captive into all...
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    Question for those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture

    ...that THEY are "things which must come to pass IN QUICKNESS," by contrast]) When one then COMPARES "the beginning of birth PANGS" with the SEALS of Rev6 (and sees they are the SAME ITEMS), then one can consider the "SEQUENCE ISSUES" of the Olivet Discourse, where the "70ad events" are said...
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    God`s Appointed Time for the Rapture.

    ...(connecting it back to what Jesus specifically said in His speaking of "the beginning of birth PANGS [PLURAL]," which I've explained ["BoBPs"="SEALS"]). The reason (or one) MANY do not "see" PRE-TRIB RAPTURE in Paul's words (2Th2 and 1Th) IS BECAUSE they improperly DEFINE "the Day of the...
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    Christ's Signs of the End

    ...biblically-defined *signs* take place FOLLOWING "our Rapture"... ... and LEAD UP TO (pointing toward) His Second Coming TO THE EARTH time-slot (Rev19). (Not to "our Rapture".) ["the beginning of birth PANGS"="the SEALS" of Rev6... BOTH CONTEXTS of which take place FOLLOWING "our...
  8. T

    The truth about the Rapture

    ...1Th5:3]" that Jesus had already spoken about in His Olivet Discourse (SAME WORD, PLURAL), and those start WELL-PRIOR-TO His Second Coming to the earth in vv.29-31 (way back in vv.4-8... and which are EQUIVALENT the "SEALS" of Rev6! [the INITIAL "SEAL" being ON DAY ONE of the 7-yr period])
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    The truth about the Rapture take place "BEFORE ALL THESE [before all these 'beginning of birth pangs' that vv.8-11 had just spelled out--which BoBPs are EQUIVALENT the SEALS at the START of the future, specific, LIMITED time-period we call the 7-yr Trib]" [that said, I don't happen to agree with Neh6 on this...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...the king heard thereof he was WROTH: and he sent forth his armies and BURNED UP THEIR CITY"). "The beginning of birth pangs" (which ARE the SEALS of Rev6) take place AFTER the 70ad events, per Lk21:12's SPECIFIC WORDING telling us so! (and I do not say "immediately after"... No.) Paul uses...
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    Apostle Paul Taught What Jesus Taught About The Rapture

    ...when He returns to the earth (what is commonly called His "Second Coming"). The "beginning of birth-PANGS" ARE [the equivalent of] the SEALS at the START of the "7-year period"... not speaking of the END of that (when He "RETURNS" to the earth, Rev19), as many suppose to be the case (of WHEN...
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    Were the Four Horsemen released from the 1st century? pass IN QUICKNESS" (i.e. within a relatively brief amount of time, once it starts [aka the Tribulation Period - 7 yrs duration - So, "the SEALS"/"beginning of birth PANGS" are part of what John is "SHOWn" starting in v.4:1 and thus are a part of the "things which must come to pass IN...
  13. T

    Were the Four Horsemen released from the 1st century?

    ..., So, while I AGREE that "the beginning of birth PANGS" ARE the first SEALS of Rev6, I do NOT hold to a "preterist view" of these, but rather understand them ALL to be "future," taking place IN/WITHIN the future 7-year-period... for several reasons (all...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...that Jesus had talked about; which itself takes place WELL PRIOR TO His Second Coming to the earth (7 yrs prior; and is EQUIVALENT to the SEALS of Rev6--in fact the FIRST SEAL--at the START of the "in quickness [noun]" time-period we label "the Trib" [Rev1:1/1:19c/4:1]); --why would Paul...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...of birth pangs that vv.8-11 had just spelled out; However, Matthew 24:4-8 STARTS OUT with the beginning of birth pangs (which ARE the Seals in the far-future "IN QUICKNESS" time period leading up to His RETURN to the earth); and Matthew 24:4-8's BEGINNING of birth pangs" is THEN IS FOLLOWED...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...Trumpet" (MID-point); --"the beginning of birth PANGS" (which Paul says "the DOTL" ARRIVES at the INITIAL ONE OF THOSE, 1Th5:1-3) ARE the "SEALS"... and the SEALS are WITHIN the "in quickness [noun]" time-period WHICH IS "the 7-yr period"; This is CONFIRMED BY the "sequence issues" of the...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...Genez was saying. He was referencing the specific, future, LIMITED time-period we commonly call the Tribulation period (7 years in duration [SEALS--TRUMPETS--VIALS!]... the "IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" time-period [Rev1:1/1:19c/4:1]). Whereas YOU are referring to the entire near-2000-YEARS the...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    "the beginning of birth pangs" EQUAL the "SEALS" The "SEALS" are included in what verse 1 of Rev says are "things which MUST come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" (1:1 "to SHOW unto" = 4:1 "SHOW you") ... not "things" which would unfold over the course of some 2000 years. [and Paul says...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...UPON a woman) is the ARRIVAL of "the DAY OF THE LORD" time period ("exactly like [hosper]"!); and those "beginning of birth pangs" ARE the "SEALS" of Rev6; [and since Rev1:1 / 1:19c / 4:1 informs us that the things John was going to be "SHOW[n]" are "things which must come to pass IN...
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    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    ..."the seventh trumpet" (this isn't sounded at the MID-point when 3.5 yrs are remaining, NOR at the END-point--7 Vials must ALSO take place AFTER the 7 Trumpets before Christ's Second Coming to the earth at Rev19! And yes, the SEALS-TRUMPETS-VIALS are sequential... not recapitulations of each...