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  1. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    Hi, a slave will do whatever His/her master says..Rom 6, Rom 14
  2. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    Yes, saved through the blood of Christ not water..
  3. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    Hi, I apologise, I don't play these games either...But my questions are based on the Scriptures you quoted.
  4. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    Yes, we only know God because God "chose" to revealed Himself to us Not because we ourselves can find Him and know Him.. God is a Spirit and invisible, His ways are past finding Believe in God is to know Him.
  5. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    How can the one who believe the Gospel, believe in someone whom he never seen, or heard His voice etc?
  6. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    It's God's choice if He wanted to save anyone...we cannot save ourselves we need God. It's not God's choice we ended up sinning and deserve death. The relationship between man and God after the fall, is like master/servant or slave/master or child/ Father relationship.. there is no free will...
  7. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    Hi, thanks for going back to my original post and Scriptures these are the questions for you or anyone here to answer. (1) who are vessels? are they referring to humans beings? (2) who prepares them according to the verses?
  8. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    So can you receive someone you didn't even know or see, without being taught by someone or Himself regarding himself?
  9. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    Hi, thanks for the response, so what separate the "unbelief" and those who "believe"? Is it because of themselves or God.. See 1Corins 1:30
  10. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    Hi, but who can resist His Will? Romans 9:19,20...if God's will to save everyone then everyone will be saved, ie as Jesus said "no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand" John 10:29 I agree humans have free will, Not in terms of salvation..
  11. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    Thanks John, ok so who sovereign election are those who accepted His Mercy?
  12. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    Hi John, the verse above says that "he "might" have mercy upon All". it doesn't mean they have "All", "received" His Mercy..see verse 30
  13. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    Do you want to make a case on John 3? go ahead and let see..
  14. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    any comment on the scripture verse quoted? Romans 9:22-24?
  15. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    Hi, we end up in "hell" not because of God's choice but "ours". But the choice to be saved from the judgement of those in hell is solely God..Romans 9:13-15 So, if God did not choose me to be save then I'll end up in hell..
  16. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    H Hi, if God wants absolutely no one in Hell then there should be no one will end up in hell...Romans 9:22-24
  17. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    Yes's His choice
  18. P

    Did Those Who Were Never of The Elect Ever Have Free-Will?

    Hi @GRACE_ambassador, yes I agree all mankind have free will to choose God's will. But it's up to God to choose from mankind whose to know His Will..John 1:12,13. Blessings
  19. P

    Thank you Grace, for the welcome. Blessings

    Thank you Grace, for the welcome. Blessings