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  1. Tish

    Let's write a story ✍️

    Elephant had gotten hives from…
  2. Tish

    Marriage advice...

  3. Tish

    Let's write a story ✍️

    They were preoccupied with..
  4. Tish

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Hope your day has brightened. God bless!!
  5. Tish


    This should be fun. Give me your best oxymoron. I’ll start: “thunderous silence…”
  6. Tish

    Should Christians celebrate Halloween?

    I don’t think it’s a good idea to pay homage to a holiday that celebrates the dead and all things unholy.
  7. Tish

    Family Nights

    I think it’s homonym. ?? Same sound spelled differently… 👌
  8. Tish

    Family Nights

  9. Tish

    can you guys post something funny please?

    A string walks into a bar and sits down. Bartender comes to him and states, “We don’t serve strings here”. String states, “Oh I’m not a string.” Bartender replies, “not a string huh?” “Nope, I’m afraid not…”
  10. Tish

    Let's write a story ✍️

    Hosted by waving kittens
  11. Tish

    Let's write a story ✍️

    Hosted by waving kittens…
  12. Tish

    Please God-- hear me

    Daniel I’m sorry for your sadness. But you’ve believed a lie thinking that God doesn’t care. He does. His word says He is near to the brokenhearted.💔 his promises are true, but I have found through 50 years of walking with Him and believing Him that sometimes you have to go through the...
  13. Tish

    We are not yet in the New Covenant prophecied by Jeremiah and Ezekiel - that is the Millennial reign

    Just one question. If the Bible is the inspired word of God and Holy Spirit inspired the writers, (Old and New Testament), then how and why would God put misinformation in it? I just can’t believe that.
  14. Tish

    We are not yet in the New Covenant prophecied by Jeremiah and Ezekiel - that is the Millennial reign

    Why wouldn’t the new covenant be in effect now? When Jesus said “It is finished”, wasn’t it? It’s the finished work of the cross that brought the new covenant into effect. Hebrews 10 talks about doing away with the first covenant and establishing a new, better one. And because God accepted...
  15. Tish

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Don’t you love those jokes?? That was a good on I don’t think I’ve heard that one.