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  1. C

    American Military Equipment From Afghanistan Spotted On Iranian Highway (Photos)

    Interesting. Well...... those few machines cant hold a feather to the multitude thats in americas possession still. Not to make light of the tragic tyrant situation at all but still no reason to lose hope. psalm 37:1-8 comes to mind Psalm 37:1-8 KJV 1 Fret not yourself because of...
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    What do you think about works?

    I know this first hand how a child of God can do good works and God gets the glory for it when that person comes to a knowledge of the truth. My grandma is a very loving forgiving person. I was a terrible teenager and she constantly forgave me and loved on me. I didnt grow up thinking...
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    Hey brothers and sisters in Christ Ive been given the understanding that for revival to happen it first needs to start with self. I admit Ive been angry with certain leaders of the world, America, and the church. Ive also been very angry with the enemies of the gospel. Heres...
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    Are we seeing "the great falling away"?

    My dad has been telling me that revival starts with self and that its repentance and submission to God. I agree fully. Its sad to see that the body of Christ is getting smaller
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    Are we seeing "the great falling away"?

    I read about 1/8 of what you wrote and had to stop to ask you some questions before I can return to your response.... 1} did you mean to start out your reply with calling Paul an apostasy? 2} did you mean to actually state that Paul "accidentally" started a whole doctrine? If so my last...
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    Are we seeing "the great falling away"?

    With all that said......Do you see God bringing about another revival here in America through these tough times?
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    Are we seeing "the great falling away"?

    yeah its sad that the elders of the church buildings are fading away and not many young ones are taking their place. Thanks for your response God bless you
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    Speak Your Mind.

    since its encouraged to be random here I would like to then state........ I do not believe that Adam had a belly button
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    Am I being a heretic?

    I have been accused of being a heretic by the way I try to explain the Trinity..... I explain it to my understanding that God is capable of becoming His own creation while remaining omnipresent. the Trinity is so very hard to grasp and explain that many reach for whatever they can to put it...
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    Are we seeing "the great falling away"?

    interesting! I did not know that 6/9 supreme court judges were catholic.
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    Are we seeing "the great falling away"?

    I am curious to know what others think we are seeing in today's societies. With lawlessness on the rise and with this pandemic, are we now seeing the great falling away?
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    Why did the Most High God create sin?

    I appreciate your response. Yes the better question would be why did He allow sin to be created, thanks
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    Why did the Most High God create sin?

    Thanks for sharing the scripture to back up your position. However I still do not understand how God did not create sin because nothing that exists does so that He did not create. Can this be something that the logical mind can actually understand or is this something that falls into the...