Search results

  1. daisyseesthesun

    Is denominationalism wrong?

    " For just as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body—though many—are one body, so too is Christ. 13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. " cs lewis said something like this[ despite the shepard leading the sheep wrongly wont some sheep still...
  2. daisyseesthesun

    Needing a Whole Wheat Bread recipe

    whole wheat and white are going to be the same. the only diffrence i noticed is the whole wheat need slightly more water. serves 8 people 3 cups flour 1 tb instant yeast 1 tbs sugar 1 1/4 water I use dough recipes for everything. well other than a few spices the only difference between...
  3. daisyseesthesun

    West Nile related illness spreading.

    these things will happen as the end is closer "And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven." 'Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and...
  4. daisyseesthesun

    IF the Spirit Dwells In You...

    Webers.Home, Mother Teresa is not the only saint who experienced this. Teresa of Avila often wrote about the experience of spiritual dryness, which she saw as a crucial part of spiritual growth. She described this dryness as a period when one feels distant from God, experiencing a lack of...
  5. daisyseesthesun

    My Favorite Verse from the Quran (so far)

    45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.
  6. daisyseesthesun

    What are your favorite Saint/Christian movies?

    Saint Charbel, The Movie [ENGLISH subtitles] (
  7. daisyseesthesun

    Why Is Pineapple on Pizza SO Controversial?!

    Yes, I still don't eat pork, bacon or ham maybe once of twice a year.
  8. daisyseesthesun

    Why Is Pineapple on Pizza SO Controversial?!

    Do you remember that pig farm incident in Canada years back? Well, a few months after that went down, we visited Victoria, BC. I was shopping with my grandmother, and she asked the deli clerk if the ham had come from that farm. I was a little kid and didn't understand why everyone around me...
  9. daisyseesthesun

    What are your favorite Saint/Christian movies?

    Well, these are all my favourites. I wonder if anyone has seen them? or if you have any Christian/Saint movies you like Jesus Grants Marcelino's Wish: The Miracle of Marcelino (1955) Religion, Drama | Colorized Movie ( Though Judgment At Nuremberg - YouTube Is not a Christian...
  10. daisyseesthesun

    What are your favorite Saint/Christian movies?

    Don Bosco ( These are in Italian but have English subtitles. St. Philip Neri: I Prefer Heaven, Pt. 1 /2 (Full movie, 2010) ( Saint Joseph Moscati Full Movie English Subtitle ( These are True Christian movies on Communism. The Printing (1990) | Full...
  11. daisyseesthesun

    What are your favorite Saint/Christian movies?

    Gladys Aylward: The Small Woman With A Great God (2010) | Full Movie | Carol Puves (
  12. daisyseesthesun

    What are your favorite Saint/Christian movies?

    Sheffey (1977) | Full Movie | Dwight Anderson | Harold Kilpatrick | Beneth Jones (
  13. daisyseesthesun

    What are your favorite Saint/Christian movies?

    † St Padre Pio of Pietrelcina - (Full Movie) ǀ 中文字幕 (
  14. daisyseesthesun

    What are your favorite Saint/Christian movies?

    Little Margaret of Castello (
  15. daisyseesthesun

    can you guys post something funny please?

    "A mouse between two cats is better than a Patient between two Doctors!" Padre Pio
  16. daisyseesthesun

    Why Is Pineapple on Pizza SO Controversial?!

    You'd be surprised what you can put on a sandwich. when I first became vegetarian I was addicted to pickled tofu sandwiches. maangchi tofu pickles - Search (
  17. daisyseesthesun

    Why Is Pineapple on Pizza SO Controversial?!

    you take the baked pizza, cover it with flour then deep fry it. yum, then you got yourself a side of German fried pizza!
  18. daisyseesthesun

    Why Is Pineapple on Pizza SO Controversial?!

    what about frickles? The delicacy of southern cooking my friend! frickles south fried pickles - Search (
  19. daisyseesthesun

    Why Is Pineapple on Pizza SO Controversial?!

    It depends on where you live. Seafood is a common topping in Asia. South Korea, for instance, doesn't use marinara sauce. Did you know pureed kimchi tastes just like spicy Italian marinara but has about 10 calories? Meanwhile, the Japanese top their seafood pizza with a drizzle of mayo, while...
  20. daisyseesthesun

    Why Is Pineapple on Pizza SO Controversial?!

    I love pineapple on pizza, but my grandparents are Italian. Italians do not have pineapple on pizza and never cut noodles!