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  1. Deus_Vult

    A racist God?

    Racism is good, God could have made everybody green, instead he made different races whites, blacks, yellows etc each with their own culture, language etc... and even between those races like the white race there are clear differences, for example a spaniard is completely different from an...
  2. Deus_Vult

    Does God Command Us to Obey the Governments?

    If what you say is true, then you have to ask yourself why the prophet DANIEL refused to obey the autorithy of his king Darius, and refused to obey the edict about not praying to any God in 30 days. Daniel puts God first... and if some king, president or pope is against God, you can't obey that...
  3. Deus_Vult

    Download link for Christian Chat desktop application for Windows

    You are a hero and you don't have a cloak, thank you.
  4. Deus_Vult

    Conspiracy thinker vs trust

    You are the difference between a christian with faith and one without it... You keep trusting in God, and let the others trust in their vaccine, at the end of the day we will see which choice is better.
  5. Deus_Vult

    Conspiracy thinker vs trust

    "THE DEMOLITION MAN" Who could have imagined that this movie from the 90s would become a reality so fast now... We would be the minority of people who are like Stallone and who are not afraid of shaking hands... the rest of the world is lobotomized.
  6. Deus_Vult

    Conspiracy thinker vs trust

    What song do you want for your funeral, amazing grace or another one? I don't know this vaccine probably won't kill anyone immediately, perhaps in a year or 2. You should consider to get the mark of the beast as well... This "would be cool" techonology for you i bet, and it will make your life...
  7. Deus_Vult

    Comment by 'Deus_Vult' in media 'Freedom'

    You know, evil divides and conquers and they give us little spoons of poison so that nobody can react and by the time people wake up, it will be too late. Bip bip bip... People are getting used already to the bip sound of the temperature control when you go to buy something... They take the...
  8. Deus_Vult

    Why do Christians support Trump?

    And the little bit of freedom you had in USA was gone after 9/11... "Democracy" doesn't exist in any country anymore, you have to choose A or B, and usually A and B shake their hands... There is no place for democracy, we will see if the world govern and control of the earth will belong to...
  9. Deus_Vult

    The Talmud

    Kayla it happens when they give you too much Ritalin... I prefer the the foil hat.
  10. Deus_Vult

    The Talmud

    We have to learn to differentiate between the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the king David and the lord Jesus Christ... Great men of honor... And separate them from the pharisees descendants of Korah, Dathan, Ahab and Jezebel, Caiaphas, Judas etc, which are causing irreparable damage to...
  11. Deus_Vult

    The Talmud

    You have been indoctrinated by the descendants of Judas Iscariot, Caiaphas and the others who loved prasing Moloch and Baphomet. In the christian era they were not persecuted because they were the people of God... They were persecuted because their god was Satan, that's why they love mocking...
  12. Deus_Vult

    Why do Christians support Trump?

    They vote for Trump because somehow they think he is gonna stop all the p*dos, the criminals, the freemasons and also de the NWO... They think he will change the world for better and stop the evil on earth.... but i don't see Obama in jail, i don't see he is trying to stop the NWO... Because he...
  13. Deus_Vult

    The Talmud

    Revelation 3:9 "9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." This explains why the Talmud is the most satanic book i have ever read, it...
  14. Deus_Vult

    Survey Poll: Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine

    I have never used any muzzle full of bacterias since the beginning of this madness... I don't watch any news, i never stopped working and i haven't listened to all these hypochondriacs who are usually 50+ year old people. Their god is TV and media it's almost impossible to make them understand...