Search results for query: Mark of the beast

  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: of, the
  1. Pilgrimshope

    MARK OF.....

    Amen what do we really worship ? What do we really spend our lives imagining thinking about hoping for in our mind and doing with our hands ? the mark is in forehead and in the right hand. i think your right and then it begs the question what really is true worship ? “God is a Spirit...
  2. R

    MARK OF.....

    The mark is related to worship, Satan has always wanted to be worshipped as a god. Those who have been deceived will in some way worship Satan with eternal consequences: [Rev 14:9 KJV] 9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and...
  3. R

    MARK OF.....

    What you write is true. Satan will be tossed out of heaven to earth to deceive the people into worshipping him as God. Many have not been told that Satan will come first, before Jesus, claiming to be God. So when he comes performing great signs and wonders, they will bow down to him not knowing...
  4. TMS

    The Bible's theme in a nutshell?

    There has been different messages for different times and people. God sent prophets and warned people about the coming events. John the Baptist and Elijah for example, The basic theme hasn't changed, God's love and the controversy between good and evil. But for today, the end time, we...
  5. ZNP

    Trump: You won’t have to vote again

    UB Ready May 8, 2024 -- Election Selection Daniel 2:20-21 20 Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: 21 And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge...
  6. Musicmaster

    What is the Meaning of This Parable

    ...a failure for remaining consistent for rightly dividing the word of truth. I'm not going out and looking for those who carry the mark of the beast today because, by rightly dividing the word of truth, it's ludicrous for me to do so, just as I am not looking to purchase a lamb or bull to...
  7. cv5

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    ...the Saints/Israel rapidly accelerates after Satan indwells the AC (mid-trib), who then becomes vastly powerful. You either take the mark of the beast or are executed. Resistance means death. All world governments assist in this pogrom. Rev 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded...
  8. Pilgrimshope

    What is the second coming of Christ all about?

    “That above was the John 5:25 example that happened at Jesus' death on the cross.” not at all ita. Fulfillment of the Old Testament promise of a resurrection when the messiah came the first time at the end of thier covenent this particular promise was fuflilled a prophecy “Therefore prophesy...
  9. Lifted_by_the_word

    MARK OF.....

    They are the Two Witnesses of Revelation.The water and the blood. The Ark/New Jerusalem on top of Mount Zion comes down from heaven when you receive the Holy Spirit. In this second picture of a silhouette you can see how God has created us as a living Ark of the Covenant,and the Holy Spirit sits...
  10. R

    MARK OF.....

    There is a reason this subject causes unlimited speculation. It would be reasonable to assume that correct identification of the mark of the beast is necessary to avoid receiving the mark of the beast. The secret rapture theory encourages endless speculation which will keep a lot of people...
  11. Lifted_by_the_word

    MARK OF.....

    The mark on the forehead is 666.Those who are of the Spirit,(7) water,(7) and the blood(7) have the name of the Lord written on their forehead.It's symbolic.They have their mind on the things of God and have his Spirit. The middle number that represents the pineal gland is the Spirit,and the 2...
  12. W

    MARK OF.....

    I totally agree with your post Revelation 22:3 And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: 4 And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face...
  13. Pilgrimshope

    MARK OF.....

    amen tbis part “spiritual reality is a greater reality than that of the natural. The natural will pass away but many things in the spiritual are eternal and will never pass away.” “At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Once more I will shake not only the earth but...
  14. HealthAndHappiness

    Programming....Predictive Programming

    Cartoon Predictive Programming of the Quantum Dot aka Mark of the Beast
  15. Blade

    MARK OF.....

    Hi and thanks but.. to get to the mark would not people have already worshiped the beast? Doomed if you just worship the beast. Did He not say before this those whos names are written in the lambs book before the foundation of the world will not worship the beast. Its not something that we...
  16. tourist

    MARK OF.....

    Sounds like it is just the opposite.
  17. GaryA

    MARK OF.....

    Well, sure - but, why would anyone need to go from physical to spiritual and then back to physical? If/Once it is spiritual, it is beyond physical - no need to go back... A spiritual meaning arrived at from a physical illustration does not thereafter need to be represented in the physical.
  18. GaryA

    MARK OF.....

    I wonder if the folks who push the it-must-be-just-like-the-biblical-examples idea have ever considered the possibility of a physical representation of those examples being pushed upon very physical people in a very physical world.
  19. Aaron56

    MARK OF.....

    ...also bear the image of the heavenly Man." For man, the natural has already appeared. If he/she is alive during the time of the Mark of the Beast they will either bear the image of the Son of His Love, Christ, or the man of sin, the son of perdition. "Let no one deceive you by any means; for...
  20. Pilgrimshope

    MARK OF.....

    ...beast or the number of its name.”( on tbier foreheads or hands ) ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭13:17‬ ‭ the point was ( my opinion ) is that the mark of the beast should be thought of biblically and in tbe bible are many examples of marks on foreheads d hands names on forwards and hands ect and if we see...