Search results for query: Catholicism vs Protestantism

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  1. T

    Spiritual Baptism

    Well put. Thanks for your insight. I agree Christianity is in a sad state. I suggest it started way before the dark ages, Acts 20:28-31. I agree there is one church and Jesus is the one head. I feel there is a lack of knowledge today. People only hear God's word when someone preaches it to...
  2. Johann

    Spiritual Baptism

    Testing the waters I see-forgetting the what goeth before-what followeth after-to whom and with what circumstances. Hear God’s plain statement: “There is one Body.” Ephesians 4:4. Romans 12:4 and 5: “For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: “So we...
  3. J

    All Humanity is Required to obey the Torah

    All the best. No one is that perfect. We by God's design are flawed. There are a lot more than that given in the Torah. Slavery is ok. You can rape and keep the women who are virgins and you can kill the women and children when you conquer a land because of God's command. Because God's plan was...
  4. wolfwint

    All Humanity is Required to obey the Torah

    You are a Christian? If yes. Is the bible the word of God? If yes. Then you should read Acts 15 and Pauls letter to the galatians. There is written clearly that the Thora is not for the Christians out of the jewish background. There is not Jesus + Thora. There is written the faith in Jesus...
  5. SomeDisciple

    All Humanity is Required to obey the Torah

    Depends on what you mean. True. Torah is a good way to govern a civilization. Mostly true; but if God wanted every nation throughout time to use the Torah, then he would've given it to all nations. That's not what happened. He didn't establish a new religion; but, he did establish a New...
  6. R

    All Humanity is Required to obey the Torah

    I guess you don't believe in the New Testament, right? [Jhn 5:37-39 KJV] 37 And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape. 38 And ye have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him ye believe...
  7. G

    All Humanity is Required to obey the Torah

    The Torah was given to Israel. That's it. It has no relevance to the unsaved world or to born again believers. I don't know where you get your information from, but it is not the Bible. The New Testament calls the Law the shadow. The New Covenant supersedes the Old. Do you not know that fear...
  8. H

    All Humanity is Required to obey the Torah

    Do not be deceived and confused, the Torah of Moses is for all humanity, not just for Israel. Do not murder and do not steal in the Torah is for all humanity, not just for Israel. The Torah was merely given to Israel to serve as an example to all nations of the earth, so that all humanity would...
  9. Bible_Highlighter

    The Security Of The Believer

    What does a true Protestant Church do? They protest against the Catholic Church. Just because a person may have the word, “Protestantism" on their T-shirt doesn't mean anything unless they truly protest against Catholicism. If one is Protestant in name only and they don’t live up to what the...
  10. Mission21

    What is the difference between Evangelicals and Protestants?

    'Evangelicalism' 'Evangelicalism/Evangelical Movement' - A Worldwide Movement within Protestant Christianity/Protestantism. ---- Wikipedia has an informative/interesting article on.. - 'Evangelicalism'
  11. posthuman

    What is the difference between Evangelicals and Protestants?

    the term evangelical comes from the Greek word for the gospel, euangelion. evangelicalism is, as i understand it, a movement among protestant denominations shifting emphasis to the gospel, dating back to the 1700's with puritan movements. it wouldn't be right to say that this in principle is...
  12. GaryA

    What is a church?

    1) Catholicism 2) Protestantism Both consider the 'Universal Church' to be a world-wide all-members-included physical realm church on the earth. Yes - and, we call them 'local New Testament churches'.
  13. NightTwister

    San Francisco and homelessness

    That God made wine for our enjoyment and Scripture also says not to be drunk are not in conflict.
  14. HealthAndHappiness

    San Francisco and homelessness

    Certainly there's an agenda. How many Roman Catholics drink alcohol every week? I'm not saying they are drunk, but drunkenness is highly acceptable in Roman Catholicism as well as a lot of protestantism. They even attempt to make Jesus out to be contributing to the drunkenness of His people...
  15. Grace911

    Psalms 119:126 It is time for thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law. The date of Easter and its controversies Easter, Latin Pascha, Greek Pascha, principal festival of the Christian church, which celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his Crucifixion. The earliest recorded observance of...
  16. F

    Who I am

    A huge congratulations on returning to the Church! :D(y) A word of warning though: this site is not friendly to the Catholic Church, and chances are you'll encounter a lot of animosity, especially if you stray into certain forums. There may be other sites that would work better, but that's up...
  17. I

    Who I am

    Consider this my formal introduction to CC, Hello! It is nice to meet you, Usually I would lead with my name, but for internet privacy reasons I don't tend to share that. My username on this site is a mixture of the names of my two patron saints, Ivo of Kermartin and Thomas More, Both are...
  18. The_Watchers_2017

    Romans 10:13

    TULIP is a lie that doesn't match the Hebrew Text like it does the Septuagint. Who cares about who introduced it? The concept was here 1,000 years BEFORE Calvin was born and Calvin just put his own personal stamp on it. I don't follow the Hellenized Septuagint. We have the literal Words...
  19. I

    Romans 10:13

    The Orthodox Church departed from the Catholic Church in the eleventh century. That was nearly five hundred years before Calvin was born. There were reformers way before Calvin. In the 9th century the theologian Gottschalk of Orbais was condemned for heresy by the Catholic church, Gottschalk...