Search results for query: Mark of the beast

  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: of, the
  1. 2ndTimeIsTheCharm

    God`s Appointed Time for the Rapture.

    ...the Jews during WWII, and you thought that had to be the worst, it will actually be worse in our time. On top of that, refusing the mark of the beast because we choose to remain loyal to the Lord will mean we will get killed. It will also mean the loss of jobs, and the confiscation of...
  2. cv5

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    ...the Saints/Israel rapidly accelerates after Satan indwells the AC (mid-trib), who then becomes vastly powerful. You either take the mark of the beast or are executed. Resistance means death. All world governments assist in this pogrom. Rev 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded...
  3. Cameron143

    Christ's Signs of the End

    Actually, Jesus gave His disciples signs concerning the end and told them to watch. Paul also told the churches to look for His coming and then told them a mystery...some of them who Paul was writing to would witness the Lord's coming. So...the end of what is in view?
  4. wolfwint

    The hatred of Jews

    I think T.B.Baines wrote a good comnentary about it. Well, revealation ✝ Revelation 7:4 "And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed a hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel." shows, that Israel plays a role during the...
  5. Valour-dare

    The hatred of Jews

    I wasn't going to comment on this as I know many are deceived which I myself too was not too many years ago and that in most respects it is like hitting your head against a brick wall… I fully agree with you as those who claim to be jews (which is their manipulation of word Judean) have nothing...
  6. D

    Christ's Signs of the End

    Part III 5th Seal: Rev 6:9-11 9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, "How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost Thou not judge and...
  7. D

    Christ's Signs of the End

    Part II 3rd Seal: Rev 6:5-6 5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, "Come and see." And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, "A measure of wheat for a...
  8. D

    Christ's Signs of the End

    Part I Did you know that Lord Jesus gave us specific SIGNS of the end of this world leading up to His future return, and He commanded us to be watching those SIGNS? Are you tired of some that claim to "just be ready" for when Jesus comes, and to "watch", but they don't actually know what it...
  9. Moses_Young

    The hatred of Jews

    This is what I mean by usurpation of Christians with those claiming to be Jews (who are not). It seems you subscribe to these beliefs also. When I read scripture, it speaks about the saints (that is Christians) reigning with Christ - not unbelieving Pharisees who claim to be Jews (and are not)...
  10. ZNP

    Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

    ...word harpazo, to be snatched out of the way of certain death. That sounds like the Antichrist is now requiring everyone to get the mark of the beast and that is when rapture takes place. It may be very early in the beginning of the 70th week but very likely after the 70th week begins. We are...
  11. wolfwint

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    Do you think a fake Christ will meet the believers in the air? According Paul: ✝ 1 Thessalonians 4:17 "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." Bible...
  12. 2ndTimeIsTheCharm

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    ...but trust God unwaveringly and follow whatever instructions He gives us like Noah did), but most Christians who will refuse the mark of the beast will end up coming home to the Lord before that. I think it's important for us, both adults and children, to learn not to be afraid of death even...
  13. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    Most of that is a Pop notion that actually comes from the Pre-trib Rapture authors, like Hal Lindsay and Tim LaHaye. Their interpretation of the "great tribulation" is a fleshy all out WWIII, destruction doctrine pumped up to try and scare their believers so much as to make it easy for them to...
  14. 2ndTimeIsTheCharm

    Will There Be A Rapture? equaled again. This is Jesus telling us Himself, so we have to take this to heart. We also have to consider what refusing the mark of the beast entails. It means we will die, but we also see the loss of physical possessions and family and friends. If you read about the holocaust during...
  15. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    Because it means falling away to worship another in place of Christ, which is what the word Antichrist actually means per the Greek (i.e., the 'instead of Christ', or 'in place of Christ'). And those who fall away to that one in place of Christ will thus be subject to the following when Jesus...
  16. D

    God Uses Symbolic Metaphor Also

    OK brethren in Christ, if you haven't understood God's METAPHOR He used in Isaiah 54:1 about the barren woman having more children than the married wife, the matter is very simple and is connected to the virgin symbols Lord Jesus and His Apostles used in The New Testament Books. Per 2...
  17. Cameron143

    Will There Be A Rapture? Jesus possesses the keys to death and hell, tells His disciples He grow His church and hell can do nothing about it, that same church has been growing progressively throughout history, and none of this speaks to Who is ruling? BTW...the kingdom exists in believers. The kingdom exists...
  18. D

    Will There Be A Rapture?

    I only offer criticism to doctrines of men that go against God's written Word, which the Amill position definitely does. One of the biggest clues that the Amill position is false is the fact that if today were already Christ's Kingdom to come on earth, then why is Jesus not here de facto on...
  19. D

    The GAP Theory

    Lucifer's boast of Isaiah 14, which God is using against him, is about Lucifer's original claim that he would sit on GOD's Throne. Isa 14:12-15 12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou...
  20. ZNP

    Welcome to the Kamala Harris Presidential Campaign do nothing then you are a sluggard. I understand that some believers may not agree that this vaccine is the precursor to the Mark of the Beast, they may not agree that it is like wiring a house for electricity before the power is turned on, but they speak with such assurance telling people...