Search results for query: Mark of the beast

  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: of, the
  1. Pilgrimshope

    MARK OF.....

    amen tbis part “spiritual reality is a greater reality than that of the natural. The natural will pass away but many things in the spiritual are eternal and will never pass away.” “At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Once more I will shake not only the earth but...
  2. HealthAndHappiness

    Programming....Predictive Programming

    Cartoon Predictive Programming of the Quantum Dot aka Mark of the Beast
  3. Blade

    MARK OF.....

    Hi and thanks but.. to get to the mark would not people have already worshiped the beast? Doomed if you just worship the beast. Did He not say before this those whos names are written in the lambs book before the foundation of the world will not worship the beast. Its not something that we...
  4. tourist

    MARK OF.....

    Sounds like it is just the opposite.
  5. GaryA

    MARK OF.....

    Well, sure - but, why would anyone need to go from physical to spiritual and then back to physical? If/Once it is spiritual, it is beyond physical - no need to go back... A spiritual meaning arrived at from a physical illustration does not thereafter need to be represented in the physical.
  6. GaryA

    MARK OF.....

    I wonder if the folks who push the it-must-be-just-like-the-biblical-examples idea have ever considered the possibility of a physical representation of those examples being pushed upon very physical people in a very physical world.
  7. Aaron56

    MARK OF.....

    ...also bear the image of the heavenly Man." For man, the natural has already appeared. If he/she is alive during the time of the Mark of the Beast they will either bear the image of the Son of His Love, Christ, or the man of sin, the son of perdition. "Let no one deceive you by any means; for...
  8. Pilgrimshope

    MARK OF.....

    ...beast or the number of its name.”( on tbier foreheads or hands ) ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭13:17‬ ‭ the point was ( my opinion ) is that the mark of the beast should be thought of biblically and in tbe bible are many examples of marks on foreheads d hands names on forwards and hands ect and if we see...
  9. Nehemiah6

    MARK OF.....

    What does this have to do with the Mark of the Beast?
  10. D

    What is the second coming of Christ all about?

    Jesus did show us in Matthew 7 why those who will say, "Lord, Lord..." and He will tell those to get away from Him, that He never knew them, because... they worked "iniquity". Matt 7:21-23 21 Not every one that saith unto Me, "Lord, Lord", shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that...
  11. HealthAndHappiness

    AI Robots and Beast System Tech

    There were a lot of tests on the swabs too. The test kit swabs were impregnated with a carcinogenic chemical. There are other issues with it. If I ever get a job that requires those tests, I will have to pass. . I admire the off Grider's too. It takes a lot more effort and money up front in...
  12. L

    AI Robots and Beast System Tech

    Yes, creepy systems to ensure peace and security… I consider a very horrible existence awaits those that receive the mark of the beast. I have always felt some type of allegiance would be required.. to deny your Faith. Religion will be outlawed as a threat to the world order. The pandemic...
  13. T

    MARK OF.....

    Hi @Melach Yes, that is problematic as far as it's being some ongoing practice. I've considered that it may be more like one's having to be involved in all of the buying and selling that goes on in the world without somehow being tainted with the mark, or the wickedness of sin. That no one...
  14. Melach

    MARK OF.....

    what do you suggest the abomination of desolation in matthew 24:15 is?
  15. Lifted_by_the_word

    MARK OF.....

    I have a blog that mentions the mark of the beast,how the abomination of desolation takes place,how to calculate the mark. There's more that I want to blog about the mark,and some other stuff like the Two Witnesses of Revelation but not really sure how to go about it cause there's a lot. A lot...
  16. Melach

    MARK OF.....

    @tedincarolina @Magenta i agree that the mark may be spiritual and symbolic of our thoughts and deeds, allegience to the beast system. but where i would have to take the literal route is the 'not able to buy or sell' which causes me to think its something physical. i can only think of two...
  17. HealthAndHappiness

    AI Robots and Beast System Tech

    16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath...
  18. Magenta

    MARK OF.....

    Not everyone believes the mark of the beast on the hand and forehead are literal devices or marks such as computer chips, vaccines, implants, bank cards, or anything similar, and there are Scriptural reasons to believe they are not... much in the same way we would not accept that just because...
  19. A

    MARK OF.....

    ...send then delusion so that they will be deceived by the end times great deception does not mean that God will be Authorizing the Mark of the Beast.. As if the false prophet is being micro managed by God.. Yes God is again going to do what He did to pharaoh in the days of the exodus to the end...