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  1. B

    The Mark of the Beast

    Yes definitely physical definitely some kind of chip allowing us to buy and sell and without it We will starve without the Lord's help.
  2. B

    The Mark of the Beast

    Wow you put that so nicely thank you
  3. B

    The 6th seal is NOT the rupture

    Nice to hear from a post trip believe in Christian thank you
  4. B

    The 6th seal is NOT the rupture

    Hello I'm not sure who said it probably pre tribulation believer but it's been coming up a few times on youtube comments. So I thought I would address it. Thanks for your comments
  5. B

    The 6th seal is NOT the rupture

    I don't think the 6 seal is the rupture, I think it's the beginning of the Great Tribulation, the start of the last three and a half years. Let's have a closer look. Matt24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall (the sun be darkened), and (the moon shall not give her light)...