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  1. OneOfHis


    Do you believe God woule agree with you here based on the specific post I quoted? I believe you and I are more in agreement in this from the little I've seen. I do not disagree. I am saved by mercy just as you were. You are imputing a lot to what I said that I did not say and none of it is...
  2. OneOfHis


    So far from God with this post. The fake smile and calling Gods children foolish when they disagree over worldly issues with your beliefs. You're better than this. I think if all of us got less worked up over where we disagree and just focused more on what God wants for us we could be more...
  3. OneOfHis


    When I pray about it, it is clear for me to not get the "vaccine". Very convicted to not bend an inch in that regard. If my brother or sister felt pressed to get it, I wouldn't instantly assume it is their error. I know ultimately God is in control even now and that sometimes different members...
  4. OneOfHis

    What's the point of marriage ?

    God may have made marriage to represent our relationship with Him and I highly doubt anyone in heaven is going to feel ungrateful or like He took anything from us. We are going to see how generous He is and appreciate these things that are most likely beyond our understanding at this point.
  5. OneOfHis


    1. No. 2. No, I didn't say that. Your attitude, beliefs, words do not show the Holy Spirit in this one conversation, the same could be said about anyone here who gets emotional or in their feelings before responding. You made the claim about another and I extended it to your words. 3. Just...
  6. OneOfHis


    Nothing I've seen from you contains an once of anything from God. Not to say you aren't His, only that between your stance and words, all I've seen from you is worldly nonsense. So such claims like what you make here or this first statement don't help the discussion. When I prayed over this...
  7. OneOfHis

  8. OneOfHis

    Why I'm getting the vaccine.

    Sorry. I didn't mean to assume. When I was more active in cc the names were blue and pink to show if someone was a man or lady. I agree with you, that is definitely what it seemed like to me.
  9. OneOfHis

    Why do Christians believe in a place of torment called Hell?

    God is not only merciful, He is just and righteous and decided His plan with an understanding so far beyond ours, to claim what He calls justice anything other than perfect would be pretty silly of a man or woman to do. Kinda like a little kid who keeps stealing telling his parents what his...
  10. OneOfHis

    Question for the Men -- and Anyone Who Knows Men. :) How Many Men Could Support a Family?

    "Do you think the idea of a stay-at-home wife is practical (realistic) and achievable for most couples/families? Why or why not?" Oh I missed this part. Of course it is. I think rushing into something like that without prayer or a plan or any sort of prep is probably going to come with lots of...
  11. OneOfHis

    Question for the Men -- and Anyone Who Knows Men. :) How Many Men Could Support a Family?

    I do believe I could support a wife and two children. Not because I make a whole bunch now but because I trust God will help me adapt to anything. Right now it would be tight but with sacrifice and good choices, I am confident. I've seen people do more with less, and with God workin with me I...
  12. OneOfHis


    After lots of prayer and the closest thing to "study" that I am capable of.... I feel very convicted to not take the vaccine. I will follow what God moves me to follow and not go where men try to push me if it is in the opposite direction. If people go against what God has deemed acceptable...
  13. OneOfHis

    Saved by Water

    fixed my typos on my quote
  14. OneOfHis

    Saved by Water

    3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. (Jesus using birth as a physical example to help the lost Nicodemus who was spiritually ignorant and didnt understand spiritual things to explain something...
  15. OneOfHis

    Saved by Water

    No one implied such a thing. If someone implied water baptism is required for salvation though, it is denying the finished work of Christ and placing salvation on the shoulders of men.
  16. OneOfHis

    Saved by Water

    Well said by you and a few others giving glory to Jesus our Savior, and not giving it to the actions of men even if the acts were done out of love for Him who loved us first.
  17. OneOfHis

    Men can you tell if another man is good-looking?

    No. I can't tell if a guy is attractive to women. A womans attractiveness is something that changes drastically to me depending on their beliefs and behaviors even if they appear exactly the same on the outside. I have met ladies I didn't consider too attractive, who later became by far the...
  18. OneOfHis

    It's good to be single.

    Marriage itself is wonderful. God made it as part of His design for great reason. Before I was a christian, I actually had a bias against marriage and women in general. I had only seen how evil and selfish and destructive worldly women can be. Even my family. When I ended up dating in...
  19. OneOfHis

    How to prove that the Earth is flat, and not a sphere...

    You are so far from God. You have shown it in your many false claims and accusations. When people who trust in Gods written word disagree with you all you can do is name call and point your finger. I hope you grow out of the useless unfruitful phase of focusing so much on shapes of one aspect...
  20. OneOfHis

    It's good to be single.

    Haha, I meant to say stumbling block but didn't notice my typo till now.