Search results

  1. Didymous

    What are you watching?

    I've been watching the rain today. :cool:
  2. Didymous

    Ask the user below you a question

    I offered this suggestion because I need it as well. :cool:
  3. Didymous

    Words of Wisdom!

    Fear God, and keep His commandments. :cool:
  4. Didymous


    You're welcome! So nice to meet you, as well! :cool:
  5. Didymous

    Ask the user below you a question

    Pray that God will grant you the grace to not be offended by them? :cool:
  6. Didymous

    Ask the user below you a question

    I wouldn't know, i've always been poor. Pardon me-do you have any Grey Poupon? :cool:
  7. Didymous

    creationist debate?

    The only reason we have a 'theory' of evolution is because Charles Darwin was angry with God. :cool:
  8. Didymous

    Words of Wisdom!

    Ladies first! :cool:
  9. Didymous

    Explain, "The unpardonable sin".

    This part of scripture is often misunderstood. Read the next verse.
  10. Didymous

    Explain, "The unpardonable sin".

    You left off the next verse.
  11. Didymous


    Hello, and welcome, Shmily! :cool:
  12. Didymous

    Hello! Isolation is lonely, nice to see you folks. :)

    Hello, and welcome, T111! :cool: I used to install siding called T111.
  13. Didymous


    Hello, and welcome, Alesa! :cool:
  14. Didymous


    Hello, and welcome, Tyree! :cool:
  15. Didymous


    Hello, and welcome, Sherry! :cool:
  16. Didymous

    Hi Everyone!

    Hello, and welcome, lonely one! :cool:
  17. Didymous


    Hello, and welcome, 99! :cool:
  18. Didymous

    Christ Follower

    Hello, and welcome, Ovigwe! :cool:
  19. Didymous


    Hello, and welcome, RY! :cool: